Buddha Nature
Buddhata. The Buddha-nature, gnosis, enlightenment; potential bodhi remains
in every gati, all have the capacity for enlightenment; for the Buddha-nature
remains in all as wheat-nature remains in all wheat. This nature takes two forms:
The Noumenal, in the absolute sense, unproduced and immortal, and The Phenomenal,
in action. While every one possesses the Buddha-nature, it requires to be cultivated
in order to produce its ripe fruit.
Hank Fu

Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature and Buddhahood
Buddha Nature : Living in Attention
Hui Neng
Hui Neng
Hui Neng
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddhahood - Fruition
Discover the true nature of our minds
No Buddha Nature outside of the mind
Buddha Nature
Nature of mind
Cultivating mind
Absolute and Relative
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Nature of the Chan Path
The passions are the Buddha Nature
What is Compassion?
Nature of Pureland
The wealth of being natural
Buddha Nature
The Wisdom of Buddhism
The Cosmos
Awakening to Infinity and Immortality
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Humanism and the Buddha
Miracle of Being and Becoming
Naked Buddhism Naked Awareness
The identity of emptiness
Who is a Buddha?
Sentient Beings
The Doctrine of Buddha Nature
The importance of Three Jewels
Buddha Nature
Buddha Nature
Remembering your worth