Significance of OM, MA, NI, PAD, ME, HUM

Go for refuge to the Buddha
Produce the aspiring enlightened mind.
Perfection of Generosity
Guard the vows of an auditor
Purify physical obscurations
Overcome the god demon
Cure the sickness of bad accumulation
Pacify all defilemnts
The Dharmadhatu wisdom arises
Freedom from the god's suffering of death and rebirth
Union of all the Buddha families, Mahakarunika, and Consort Sadaksari
Obtain the state of Sarva-dakini
Obtain the Dharma Body

Go for refuge to the Dharma
Produce the engaging enlightened mind
Perfection of Moral Conduct
Guard the vows of a bodhisattva
Purify vocal obscurations
Overcome the female demoness
Cure fever
Defeat nescience
The mirror wisdom arises
Freedom from the jealous gods' suffering of fighting
Buddha Vairocana and Consort Buddhalocana
Obtain the state of Buddha-dakini
Obtain the Enjoyment Body

Go for refuge to the Sangha
Produce the non-dual enlightened mind
Perfection of Patience
Guard the vows of fasting
Purify mental obscurations
Overcome the rgyal-gong demon
Cure wind diseases
Defeat anger
The equanimity wisdom arises
Freedom from the human suffering of change
Vajrasattva and Consort Samantabhadri
Obtain the state of Vajra-dakini
Obtain the Emanation Body

Go for refuge to the Guru
Produce the natural enlightened mind
Perfection of enthusiasm
Guard the vows of the layperson
Purify the obscurations of defilement
Overcome the local deity/naga demon
Cure mucous disease
Defeat pride
Discriminating wisdom arises
Freedom from the animals' suffering of service
Ratnasambhava and Consort Manaki
Obtain the state of Ratna-dakini
Obtain the Essence Body

Go for refuge to the Yidam
Produce the wisdom enlightened mind
Perfection of Meditation
Guard the vows of celibacy
Purify the obscurations of the traces
Overcome Mara and the Lord of Death
Cure arthritis
Eliminate desire
All-accomplishing wisdom arises
Freedom from the hungry ghosts' suffering of hunger and thirst
Buddha Amitabha and Consort Pandara-vasini
Obtain the state of Padma-dakini
Obtain the Enlightened Body

Go for refuge to the Dakinis
Produce the ultimate enlightened mind
Perfection of Discriminating Insight
Guard the tantric vows of a Knowledge Holder
Purify the obscurations to knowledge
Overcome the Raksa and Rahula demons
Cure bilious disease
Eliminate jealousy
Inherent wisdom arises
Freedom from the hell sufferings of hot and cold
Buddha Amoghasiddhi and Consort Samaya-tara
Obtain the state of the Karma-dakini
Obtain the unchanging Vajra-like Body