Original Wakefulness
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
One of
our main tasks as human beings is to seek and to discover what is real and true.
We must use intelligence as our main tool and sound reason as the verifier. That
is all we have at this point. However, as we go about deepening our understanding,
we still carry one problem with us: this mind that reasons so intelligently is
still basically confused. Therefore, every "insight" is saturated by
confusion. I am sorry to say it so bluntly, but human understanding is confused.
It is not unmistaken wisdom, and it is not authentic until complete enlightenment.
Can we admit that we are not yet enlightened?
The awakened state of a Buddha is one of perceiving clearly, distinctly and completely the nature of things and all that exists. It is a wisdom that knows things as they are without confusion, without distortion. This is why we ordinary human beings cannot avoid seeking support in the words and teachings of a Buddha.
we see a heightened interest in the Buddha's teachings throughout the world; there
is a lot of contact between people of various backgrounds and the traditional
teachings of the Buddha. It is my impression that Westerners who are new to Buddhism
often feel more comfortable with a teacher who is well versed in psychology or
science-even one who has only a cursory understanding of what the Buddha taught-than
with a well-educated Buddhist master. It is human nature to prefer ease and dislike
hardship, and catering to this attitude will always be popular. Those who want
to adapt their teachings to people's weaknesses and brand it "Buddhism"
will likely become popular leaders of a new movement. New followers will exclaim,
"Your style is so free and open-I like it!"
I cannot, at present,
say whether this is good or evil; it is merely an observation. Just the same,
if we are concerned with a Buddhism of authentic value, I would suggest that we
give center stage to the Buddha surrounded by the great masters of the lineage.
Actually, I consider this of vital importance for the future of the dharma.
main point is that the original words of the Buddha are very important. Even during
Nagarjuna's time, a climate of debate and counter-arguments prevailed in India,
and some Buddhists accused him of distorting the Buddha's words. The same thing
happened to Padmasambhava. That is why we should give the original words of the
Buddha special emphasis.
In the framework for Buddhist studies found in Dzogchen,
the first main point concerns that of our basic material, our basic ground-our
buddhanature. I feel it is important that we gain some comprehension of this point.
Next is the path stage, our present situation that proceeds from the occurrence
of confusion. What does this confusion consist of? How is it perpetuated? What
is being confused and how? How sound is the tendency to maintain a duality of
perceiver and perceived? How do we fool ourselves into believing in a self? How
does this confusion trigger karmic actions, emotions and further tendencies? These
are important topics, and we must admit that we are confused. We are in the middle
of a chain reaction that has already begun. We cannot cleverly step around it
and feign purity and enlightenment. We are already confused; that is our present
The next step is to understand that our situation is not irreparable.
The tendency toward confusion does not have to be repeated forever.
One of the essential points in Buddhism is that confusion is only a temporary event and not our basic nature. Therefore, confusion can dissolve, be cleared up, and cease. This is where Buddhist practice comes in because the general methods and the extraordinary Vajrayana instructions are the practical tools for dissolving the tendencies of confusion.
At this point, the question often comes up whether a beginner can find his or her own way by reading a few books and doing a little sitting practice. I am sorry to say that the confused mind is not its own solution. Some support is necessary. We usually refer to this support as refuge: the triple gem, the three precious ones-the Buddha, dharma and sangha.
In our immediate experience the most effective support is the dharma, because when we hear a truly valid statement and method, think it over until it is clear, and then put it to use, its validity is proven by its clearing up our otherwise mistaken and bewildered state. Without our doing this, the confusion would have continued its own habit.
Because the teachings and their authentic value are a reality in their minds, we receive the dharma from the present holders of the living lineage. Someone who has realized the end of confusion can genuinely represent the Buddha's lineage, and such an ambassador is called sangha. The advice that he or she imparts is the dharma, and the source of such valuable instruction is the Buddha. This is why the three jewels are called precious. The reason for this is experiential and not merely a belief.
While belief is tenuous and often blind, faith, interestingly enough, is regarded as vital in the practice tradition of Buddhism. But the defining quality of Buddhist faith is radically different from faith in other religions. It is referred to as "trust through knowing the reason." How does one know the reason? We know it by applying the pith instructions. When we do so, the actual experience of nonduality gives rise to trust in the teaching that provides for this experience. In this way, we can be free from even the slightest doubt.
Such trust is due to knowing the reason, namely that applying the dharma liberates confusion. The sangha introduces us to this fact, and the Buddha is the source. Hence, the three jewels are interconnected with our own practice. We can have true trust.
Trust and pure perception
are two essentials in Vajrayana practice, and when brought vividly alive in our
personal experience, they open a door to direct recognition of the original wakefulness
that is the nature of emptiness.
In the general teachings of the Buddha, devotion
can often be understood as admiration and a fondness for understanding. The more
sincerely interested a practitioner is in realizing the empty nature of personal
identity and of the identity of things, the closer he or she comes to realizing
it. While in Vajrayana devotion is regarded as one thought among all other thoughts,
it is the most potent, the most effective. In this sense it is equal to another
type of thought state, that of compassion. These two are considered the most noble
and most powerful. It is their immense power and goodness that succeeds in interrupting
all other kinds of thoughts, especially the unwholesome types.
The pith instructions
and spiritual songs (Tib.: dohas) always emphasize an intensity of devotion and
sincerity, which is not often found in the philosophical textbooks. An overwhelming
and almost unbearably pure state of compassion or devotional yearning strips the
mind bare of conceptual veils so that awareness is revealed in its most naked
state. Please understand the vital importance of devotion and compassion-and in
Vajrayana, especially that of devotion.
you have already found and accepted a Vajrayana master, then this of course implies
that you try to regard whatever he or she says or does as pure. Not only the master
but also your fellow practitioners-whatever they do or say, you must try to appreciate
with a certain purity. The general teachings of Buddhism do not speak much about
pure perception, and I understand that it could be a problematic issue. However,
the training in pure perception is, in itself, extremely effective for fast progress.
It is a swift path.
Let me summarize the essential points of the sacred dharma.
Weariness and renunciation are essentials, as are loving-kindness and compassion,
as well as trust and devotion. When these three aspects conjoin in a practitioner,
he or she can readily recognize and realize the view of emptiness. If something
is amiss with these three, it is difficult to realize the view. Without weariness
one doesn't feel the need to practice; lacking love and compassion is like trying
to fly without wings or walk without legs. Without trust and devotion-I'm sorry
to say this so bluntly-one cannot comprehend the profound teachings of Vajrayana
at all. Renunciation here should be the renunciation of ego-clinging, not just
of some filthy place. Love and compassion should be not just for friends and family
but for everyone, without bounds. To have these, we need to train ourselves.
A synonym for Vajrayana is Secret Mantra. "Secret" here refers to the fact that its own nature is a secret to the confused mind. The fact that accomplishment can be reached within a couple of years or within this very lifetime is entirely connected to realizing this nature of mind, and this requires trust and devotion.
The importance of trust and devotion is not so clearly stated in the Buddha's general teachings for good reason: it is hard to accept. Dear reader, isn't it true that most people would not accept this? Isn't it true that if beginners were told, "Obey every word this Buddhist master tells you and see everything he does as perfect," then their immediate reaction would be to say, "It's a cult!" And yes, it definitely looks like it, at first glance anyway. This is certainly a difficult issue.
us not limit pure perception to the master, however. A Vajrayana practitioner
should regard his or her vajra siblings with the same respect and purity. This
principle does not apply only to our vajra siblings; we should regard every sentient
being that way and all phenomena as well. A Vajrayana practitioner should repeatedly
train in seeing everything that could possibly appear and exist as having the
nature of the three kayas [Skt. three bodies of the Buddha: dharmakaya, sambhogakaya,
nirmanakaya]. The great mandala of appearance and existence as the manifest ground-that
is the pivotal point of inner Vajrayana, no matter from which angle you approach
These three principles-weariness and renunciation, loving-kindness and
compassion, and trust and devotion-allow you to quickly experience the highest,
noblest view. This is my earnest conviction. Dharma studies separated from these
three may enable you to speak eloquently on the Buddhist view, but, honestly,
when has mere talk ever been able to transform the mind? Talk is cheap. You can
teach a parrot to say tongnyi (emptiness), kadag (primordial purity), or lhündrub
(spontaneous presence).
I would like to add that progress on the Buddhist path
does not require far-reaching study and reflection. Rather than gather information,
it is much more important to take the topics personally as one goes along and
apply them to oneself. It does not necessarily follow that extensive studying
leads to renunciation of ego-clinging. There is no guarantee that being learned
also means being compassionate, nor does it necessarily follow that one has deep
trust and compassion. Sometimes it does happen that vast learning hinders progress,
so I would like to emphasize that we pay special attention to the proper method
of studying the dharma.
When you study the Dharma, please do so with a willingness to admit, "I do have some faults. They are mine and I am also the one who needs to change them." Once we face ourselves with this type of sincerity, the door is wide open to genuine progress by quickly taming our own minds.
short, the way to study the dharma is to integrate the topics with your own personal
experience. The guideline is always this: we need to tame and soften our own minds.
Otherwise, the dharma does not work. Mere talk does not help, no matter how impressive.
I tried to encapsulate this in a poem once:
Studying the Buddha's words and
the treatises
Removes your triple faults and makes you gentle and peaceful.
reflecting, you feel sure of liberation from the depths of your heart.
By meditating,
you experience self-existing wakefulness from within.
Therefore, persevere
in learning, reflection, and meditation.
The real benefit of studying the Buddha's
teachings and the statements of enlightened masters is to be inspired to change
the way we think, speak and behave, which will make us more civil, gentle and
peaceful. When we thoroughly investigate the value of the meaning presented, it
becomes obvious that we can become free-each and every one of us. This confidence
is achieved through understanding, and understanding is a result of thinking the
teachings over. We do not need to let the teachings remain as mere words or ideas;
we can put them to use in our own experience. This is how the buddhanature can
be revealed, since it is already present in every one of us. That is why I encourage
you to study, reflect on, and personally apply the teachings.
Let me phrase this differently. If you want to have the certainty that dharma practice will liberate you and others, it is necessary both to study and to reflect: What is it that obscures our basic nature? Why do we lose track of it and get bewildered? Well, yes! It is due to this habitual clinging to duality. If this is so, how do we dissolve dualistic clinging? Well, yes! We need to train in being free of clinging to duality. When this attitude, which maintains duality, is allowed to not be formed, to disappear, to dissolve, to vanish-what is left? What remains is given the name "nondual wakefulness." Well, yes! This is the freedom from duality; this is how to be free. Now it is clear! Liberation is to be free from clinging to an ego. Liberation is to be free from fixating on solid reality! This is how we can gain some genuine certainty, even without having to go through detailed studies.
For many people, liberation from samsara is imagined to be a place far away; this is true for many religions. "When I get to paradise, the buddhafields, then I will be free! I will pray to God or the Buddha, purify myself, create merit, and please the gods, and they will take care of me. They will magically transport me to that pure land." This may well be a popular belief, but the true Buddhist liberation is to be free of the two obscurations. For that, wouldn't it be better to understand what the two obscurations are? They are the emotional and cognitive obscurations. As Nagarjuna taught, stinginess and the like are the emotional obscuration, and thoughts that conceptualize the three notions-subject, object and action-are the cognitive obscuration. All you need is a good explanation to understand and identify them in yourself. Of the two, unless and until you manage to dissolve the tendency to conceptualize the three notions, there is no true freedom from deluded experience.
When someone has recognized and
is able to sustain the true Dzogchen view of primordial purity, then all aspects
of practice are automatically included within it. The realization of the view
is the ultimate refuge; it is also the ultimate bodhichitta, as well as the true
dedication and perfect aspiration. In other words, everything is included within
that one state. If it is authentic, such a person can just sit without doing any
conventional practice whatsoever. Other people may think, "He's not doing
his chants, refuge and bodhichitta." But the fact is that such a master is
actually practicing the perfect refuge and bodhichitta in completeness. This is
an extraordinary and incredibly special quality, and, of course, its actuality
is hard to grasp.
Let me make one thing clear: unless and until you recognize
and become able to sustain the continuity of original wakefulness that does not
conceptualize the three notions, deluded experience will not end, nor will it
vanish. Whether this is said bluntly or sweetly, whether or not you do a lot of
purifying of bad karma and gathering of merit, you always have to return to this
central point. Any practice that lacks this vital point will, of course, reduce
the intensity of confusion. Every noble intention, every altruistic frame of mind,
will undeniably loosen up the rigidity of confusion and weaken the clinging to
things as being real and permanent-but not permanently and not completely. The
only sure way is to train in thought-free wakefulness. Isn't this obvious? This
is what we need. It is the most important point of all.
Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche
is the eldest son of the late Dzogchen master Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and the abbot
of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling, one of the larger monasteries in the Kathmandu Valley.
He also teaches annually at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde, his retreat center in northern
California. He is the author of Indisputable Truth, The Union of Mahamudra &
Dzogchen, The Bardo Guidebook and the forthcoming present Fresh Wakefulness, from
Ranjung Yeshe Publications. This selection is from The Dzogchen Primer: An Anthology
of Writings by Masters of the Great Perfection, compiled and edited by Marcia
Binder Schmidt, published by Shambhala.