Noumenon and Phenomenon
one is the other.
2. God and Nature one is the other.
3. Sansara and Nirvana
one is the other.
4. Brahman and Maya one is the other.
5. Self and self
one is the other.
6. Thought and Time one is the other.
7. Self and thought
one is the other.
8. Knower and Known one is the other.
9. Renunciation
and Enjoyment one is the other.
10. Action and Non-action one is the other.
Being and Becoming one is the other.
12. Vidya and Avidya one is the other.
Birth and Non-birth one is the other.
14. Work and Knowledge one is the other.
Spiritual and Phenomenal Nature one is the other.
16. Subjective and Objective
one is the other.
17. Actor and Spectator one is the other.
18. Future and
Past one is the other.
19. A and not-A one is the other.
etc. etc.
The problem asked, the questions that arise are in themselves having
the answer, since the two levels are not distinct and contradictory except from
the purely limited phenomenal viewpoint. How is one to make a jump, a quantum
jump which is required of one to the other, since it is a continuous transition,
a gradual movement up the ladder. But this is not the way, i.e., from the finite
self to the infinite self is not possible, through time-thought. If the latter
was possible it would have happened again and again in these 5000 years. But it
has become worse with repeated attempts. Of course there are complementarities
of higher and lower levels when one conceptualises the issue. But the simplest
and best understood complementarities is that of the wave-particle duality in
physics. In brief, in ordinary language it means simultaneity, coupling of past
and future, in every observation which implies freedom of choice and objectivity,
i.e., free will between mutually exclusive alternatives, is in a sense a participation
in genesis, i.e., actor and the spectator.
The observer and the observed are
not two separate entities as was revealed by the discoveries of quantum mechanics
in 1920s. It was assumed until then that such objectivity was possible, as the
world of matter consisted of discrete entities and man was a distinct entity,
at least in principle. But this picture has changed, of the self and the other
which are part of the whole, if one were to project to the human world this subatomic
reality. At the subatomic level, the interaction is not predictable, and therefore
the unpredictable nature of things is inherent in their very nature, according
also to Plank's constant. This is to say not only atoms, their physics and chemistry
is what humans are also made up of. We all thus function in a unified system,
for anything to happen at one, everything in the universe has to participate for
it to happen and unless this is so, nothing will actually happen at the conceptual
level. Hence all the suffering we see all around where one sees one's self as
a separate entity unrelated to all else. The words perhaps cause the problem.
In physics things can no longer be explained simply and be describable so easily.
This is not to say that all the work done in physics is not objective and scientific.
But it provides an insight into the working of all of nature, of which man is
an essential part.
Thus, scientific truths and ethical truths are not contradictory
but complementary.1 There can be no advancement in science without some measure
of ethics in society. Equally, on the other hand, in the modern world there is
not much room for the practice of ethics without science and technology. In other
words, the quest is for seeking a unified field in science and in other areas,
of a unity in nature and man. But it all begins with a personal yearning. Throughout
human history, in every endeavour, human beings have searched for connections,
for ways to make a harmonious whole out of the parts. Today, the Holy Grail of
modern physics is the Grand Unified Theory.
To be asked is the question, is
there a unity, in fact, say in the brain or the interpreter sitting in it, since
the unity of thought is an illusion? The brain has a multiplicity of functions
and voices that speak independently. But despite the fact that the brain is multipartite,
it represents itself to the mind as unified. Were conscious selves fully unified,
we would feel justified in concluding that for all the disparity of its parts
the brain is in truth a fully unified system. But, instead, we find that our sense
of the personal unity and command over the brain is something of an illusion.2
is the idea of unity and its quest a mere assumption, does unity really exist
? In the world of art this assumption may depend only on aesthetics but in science,
it would seem some concrete forms have to be taken into account. The assumption
of Lovelock, for instance is that there is probably a mechanism that will reduce
the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when it is too low for trees; and particle
physicists assume a single force that produces electromagnetic forces, gravitational
forces, and nuclear forces. Nature may, or may not accommodate these assumptions.
Paradoxically, as science digs deeper into nature, it uncovers alternating layers
of unity and variety, simplicity and complexity. Copernicus's sun-centered cosmos
was simpler than Ptolemy's earth-centered universe, but twentieth century astronomers
found that the sun is merely a resident in the suburbs of the Milky Way galaxy.
The atom was once the indivisible unit of matter; then hundreds of subatomic particles
such as neutrons and protons were found; then the genealogy of this multitude
was simplified by tracing their lineage to three constituent particles called
quarks; now the number of quarks has grown to six or more.3
Twentieth century
has thus exploded a metaphysical bomb, namely, quantum physics. It shows that
the scientist is inextricably tangled with the objects she observes, as no longer
is she a passive observer as it was believed one could observe the pendulum swing
without changing its motion. Chemists believed they could measure the rate at
which coal burned in air without altering that rate; naturalists believed they
could quietly listen to a sparrow without dictating its song; and scientists assumed
they could put a box around their subject and peer into that box. Quantum physics
has shown that scientist are always inside the box. The answers scientists get
to their questions depend on the way they ask the questions. Thus, the enigma
of whether unity exists outside the mind of the scientist and dissolves in a mist
of ambiguity and meaninglessness. A baffling experiment in quantum physics, called
the double-slit experiment, demonstrates how 'the observer' finds that he is not
really an observer but part of the experiment. Without going into details of it
the baffling part is: How does each electron know in advance whether there are
additional detectors behind the openings? How does each electron know whether
to remain whole like a golf ball or to subdivide and spread like a ripple on a
pond? Somehow, the properties of the electron depend on the mind asking the questions.4
and Biology
Ernst Mayr in his Towards a New Philosophy of Biology (1991) asks
the question, Is evolutionary biology a science ? If so, what kind of a science
is it ? His central theme is that the concepts which underlie evolutionary biology,
make it an autonomous science, and not merely a subbranch of physics. Not that
he does not believe in the unity of science; in particular he believes that the
law of physics and chemistry are the same in living and inanimate matter. The
claim for autonomy rests on the existence of concepts - for example, natural selection,
genetic programme, species - that are needed if we are to understand biology.
These concepts are consistent with physical laws but could not be deduced from
In distinguishing between physics and biology, he points to the different
role of laws in the two sciences. In physics, laws are intended to be universal.
Such laws do exist in some branches of biology. For example, the "central
dogma of molecular biology" that information can pass from nucleic acid to
protein, but not from protein to nucleic acid, is intended to be such a law, universal
as far as life on earth is concerned. As yet, there is no convincing falsifying
evidence. The law is important for evolutionary biology, because it provides one
explanation for the non-inheritance of acquired characters. In evolution such
laws are hard to come by. Even the law that acquired characters are not inherited
has exceptions, because not all heredity depends on the sequence of bases in nucleic
The message is that evolution is contingent. It is not the case that,
initially, there were a few simple organisms, and that, as time passed, there
was a steady increase in diversity and complexity, leading inevitably to the emergence
of an intelligent, tool-using, talking animal-ourselves. If there was a replay
of it all again, there may not be chance for the same to be repeated since it
is a matter of chance which body, phyla, survive; no guarantee or likelihood of
the emergence of vertebrates, or mammals. Evolution is not a stately law-governed
progression leading inevitably to human intelligence.
Throughout evolution
function has preceded the organ through which it is to be exercised; the organ
developed in response to a need. So why should the brain be any exception? In
other words Intelligence came first, quite able to function in its own realm.
Working from such a premise, is it not true that life, intelligence, and consciousness
are primal realities? Is it scientific heresy to suggest that biological forms
are secondary events, to the primary substratum? It is somewhat ridiculous to
maintain the position of a mechanistic, chance creation which insists that thought
originates and depends upon the physical brain. For example, with regard to the
brain, no special 'box'equivalent to the computer's 'memory'store has been identi-fied;
nor is memory to be found in a particular cell, synapse, or chemical molecule.
All experience is not stored in the brain (Smith:1975). Today, physics and other
allied disciplines are clear that there is a non-mechanical reality more like
a great thought rather than like a machine-mind is no longer an accident of matter
but the creator and governor in the realm of matter.5
On Consciousness
the modern world most explanations are mechanistic interpretations of the processes
of life, such as, that it is in the brain that consciousness appeared as an epiphenomenal
process occurring in evolution. But this is like a dreamer explaining a dream
while asleep. It is explaining consciousness through the mechanism of the brain,
which itself is the product of the mind - Universal Mind or Consciousness. It
is like looking for the programmer in a television set, or a radio set, in its
tubes or circuits, etc. which when taken out would cause some disturbance of the
audio-visual programme; and this would then be attributed to a part of the set
as if something was located in that part of the set (brain). But all the while
forgetting that apparently there is some logical connection between the part and
the dislocation, nevertheless this is only a receiving set, since the broadcast
is being transmitted from elsewhere. All the problems, conflicts about the brain,
soul, existence and so on are part of the individual mind's own firmament and
have no existence apart from Consciousness or Intelligence. Those who try to prove
that the mind begins and ends with the brain, can only testify it or not with
the mind alone.
It appears falsely so, that the mind is a mere bio-chemical
activity. But this has never been proved, shown or analysed. The linguistic and
languaging powers located and residing in the brain is not the mind, i.e., the
tape or commentary, and the audio-visual apparatus is not the mind or its dynamics.
The enterprise of social sciences and sciences is based on this notion of the
mind - again a statement of the mind, counteracted in the mind itself by an opposite
statement! This is the game a language plays, as mentioned elsewhere as the dual
nature of thought (Malik:1989,1993). In any case, consciousness cannot be known
through rational language left-brain activity, nor can it make it to the ineffable
and indescribable through all its striving. This is not possible by the intellect
any way; it can only deal with matters agreed upon by the social set up and thus
must realise its limitations. Nevertheless, many of us desire to know or have
an experiential state. This is only possible through an intuitive mystical knowing
and not by the left-brain language categories. But is this knowing located in
the individual brain or the mind? The brain-body mechanism is an instrument, a
very sophisticated one at that but, self-referentially, like a computer it cannot
know about these intimations which are beyond its limited sphere. The issue at
the moment is not the functioning of the brain, at any rate.
The essence is
thus missing, an aspect that many today long for; it is a consequence of the agnostic
intellect that feels essenceless and dry and hence is having a dream of itself.
There is a possibility of these brain activities being connected to biochemical
workings. But is it all the by-product of such mechanical activities? If so, who
or what is the knower? Surely, it cannot be a transient derivative, arising out
of the atoms or molecules of lesser known matter. If so, how can it answer questions
regarding creation and existence, or what is real or unreal? All this occurs in
whatever this mind or no-mind maybe; the questions and answers in the mind-stuff
itself, its debates, the arguments, the verdict and those against it. There are
in this sense no others actually, its all Me, the Self or Consciousness; being
the sceptic, the judge, the opponent, the believer, the non-believer; and all
our hopes, ideas, theories, doctrines, concepts,etc. arise in the mind and subside
in it only. It is like lines drawn on water, and vanishing as soon as they are
drawn. All the stuff going on is the universal stuff itself - the rays of sun
is the sun. Is not matter then nothing but the Universal Mind or Consciousness
And, what is the mind, without Consciousness, and that too in the shoreless,
measureless ocean on whose surface it arises like foam. And from the mind arise
various universes that appear very tangible, which they are not except to be seen
as metaphors of another dimension, another reality. Both the universe and our
personal observing minds would not exist but for an omnipresent Intelligence.
But all modern goals run counter to this embellishment of the brain's desire for
spiritual needs; it craves merely of food for the body and bodily comforts and
material wants. Even the atoms and the subatomic particles are not everlasting,
albeit they are part of the universal energy present everywhere; even protons
consist of jumping up and down quarks that are omnipresent in and out of the body.
Thus, the two clash. The current trends thwart the opening of supersensory channels,
and this course of collision is malevolent functioning, not the benevolent plan
of nature to move to the Omega point of Chardin (1959).
Consciousness may be
seen as transcendental and immanent from the human viewpoint, but this is not
so by itself; like air, it is everywhere and where is it not? Is the space inside
and outside the building different, except until the time the building is there
and the moment it falls off, the space is once again one - it appeared like two,
inside and outside, only because of the building being the focus of attention.
knowledge of Consciousness is known by Consciousness (the mind-stuff); it partakes
of itself through various ways in the functioning of the brain-mind's confluence.
It itself is the knower, the known and the knowing, of its significance. It is
known or seen when the general facilities are open in the brain-body mechanism
that is a vehicular instrument - an instrumentality. For example, the occurrence
of paranormal telepathic communication, etc. for which there are many examples
( the photographer who got lost in the jungles of the Amazon and began to communicate
with the Shaman of a tribe non-verbally and he communicating among other things
that the tribe is moving away from civilization since the more it contacts it
the less its ability to communicate non-verbally!) But much the same fate awaits
them, as it has been the case with other non-Western cultures in America, Africa
and Australia. Contemporary science, despite evidence to the contrary in even
one's personal life, is ignoring it. Perhaps, because it has neither the tools
or means to verify it and it is so, since the rational-theoretical models are
limited by their own frameworks of scientific instruments, which are extensions
of the five senses only and cannot detect the sixth sense areas, an atomic reactor
would be the wrong laboratory for it. The laboratory and its verifiability would
come from another area or dimension, beyond current scientific vision at the moment,
i.e., its assumptions do not take these areas into account at all. This is another
kind of dogmatism and fundamentalism. The essence of Knowledge, of Mind and Consciousness,
and of the notion of Self, when absent from the entire universe of discourse,
can one really get at any other actuality, a dimension of reality and leave aside
Of course, if such extra-sensory perception was amenable to empirical
scientific verification, especially moments of personal-impersonal existential-experiential
states that are taken to have some validity, this would become a fearful threat
to all that has been invested all these years into the current state of knowledge
- theoretical and practical - in the world. Such a state would shake the foundations
not only of social sciences and anthropology, but even one's own life at all -
individual and collective - levels especially one's relationships. To point out
the reality behind our obvious phenomenal world, would be to create a void; one
would be in a limbo, a transitional state between the known and the unknown. One
is referring simply at the moment to the mystical dimension - not the mysterious
-- that is known and knowable but not by any so-called concrete means. These are
areas which are governed by laws beyond those of space, time and causality, states
which one may call meditative ones. These are therefore not beyond anyone's means,
or beyond directions of research separate from the 'material' empirical one of
science and social science - beyond one's scope as one may imagine. The primary
aspect of consciousness is of crucial importance. This is part of a human-being's
mental-experiential aesthetic-states which were as much familiar to the pre-industrial
man as a way of life, as today's non-industrial communities. These are states
expressed in their life-styles, states of mind that manifest the grand creations
and expressions seen in all civilizations. All this is beyond the rational-empirical
methodology of a positivistic and reductionistic philosophy that has so determined
modern life, to its own detriment.
Obviously, Consciousness exists in all states,
during wakefulness, dreams and in sleep - since there is a knowing even while
dreaming, even in dreamless states when one gets feeling so fresh, not remembering
one's name or problems about the body. If this was not so, one would not know
that one slept well and it would all switch off if it were only an epiphenomenon
of brain's activity. It would seem as if there is a kind of Witnessing to various
activities by Consciousness. But we dismiss all this since we have separated the
observer from the observed. The external evidence of the study of societies may
not indicate all this, since one has eliminated consciousness and mind as the
subject of study, how can one show this dimension by gross tools of measurement?
It implies that the sense of history will also be different, since the past, present
and the future becomes an awareness of the now, the bindu of Now, the big-bang
is happening Now. The Now, Now, Now is all a Presence! How does one know anything,
without taking into account Consciousness or Intelligence, one may ask?
is irressitibly coming to the conclusion that there is no separation between the
observer and the observed; that matter by itself cannot observe itself. It is
awareness - Consciousness - that creates this division; how this mysterious division,
this separateness takes place - of the drop thinking it is separate from the ocean
- forgetting its primary existence; this perhaps is the veil of maya, or mahamaya.
The awareness to see this screen created by the ego which believes it is the supreme
entity to do so is to identify with the Being of a human being. It is to know
that the One becomes the many and the latter also being the One. But the discovery
of this universal has to be discovered uniquely in each experience, paradoxically,
at each moment by an personal-impersonal state, over and over again newly every
Now, in the Now. That is the game.6
As the basal substance of the universe,
how can Consciousness cease to be or die? Consciousness, to use an old analogy
or even in terms of physics, that there is an infinite ocean of energy in which
matter, condenses in many forms without any diminishing of the energy which is
prevalent everywhere 'within and without'. This is the boundless ocean, void which
is full, which is dotted with globular icebergs of colossal proportions floating
in it, of matter. Our senses know only the tip of the iceberg, they cannot feel
the imperceptible oceanic waters of Consciousness which includes space, time,
etc. albeit it is beyond all of its contents, i.e., the Context of all contexts
is a limitless, infinite creative energy of a universal order which is beyond
even any conceptions of the brilliance of a thousand suns. Normally one sees merely
the ice-formations and that conceptually and intellectually one imagines or believes,
or does not, the rest. But in a silent state, beyond words or chatters, in a purified
mind-state without the 'me', it is possible to catch a glimpse of that state of
eternity, the eternal moment of Now or Presence, of Samadhi, of a union or Yoga
beyond duality or multiplicity. In these states the ice-formations, the tips or
gross matter vanishes as one knows its superficialness and ephemeral nature. One
knows the boundless energy, the ocean of pure effulgent light. It is now all 'me',
as Sri Krsna says in the Gita, either in the pure state, or in its multiple states
like seeing light through a prism (the mind-brain complex) which is still the
same light - just like the often stated jewel-gold metaphor. Thus is Immanence
and Transcendence One, as it always was, is; it is one in all and all in one,
witnessed in mystical experience, in the moments of Now, when the 'me' vanishes
- states of ecstasy and bliss knowable in everyday mundane life, not as something
exclusive. It is the 'me' experiencing itself in all its activities through its
creations of the so-called other which is itself, for what is it that it is not?
this is the only conceivable theory of creation one can frame being consistent
with the latest trends in physics and the mounting evidence posited by the study
of extra-sensory perceptions. Call it soul, spirit, or whatever, it is that, and
sees its own glory unhampered by the senses perceived by the 'me'. Is this not
Saivite, Vedantin, Sakti, Vajrayana Buddhist or Tantra philosophies too? These
turya and turyatitta states are knowable and experienceable by one and all, we
are told, as it is the self-reflection and self-perceptive powers of that which
is. What clouds it all is the dust gathered in the mirror of the mind - the memories
of pleasures, pains, regrets, resentments - which distorts that One. It needs
cleaning every time, not any different to breathing that must be done every moment
afresh; or that dusting of the house has to be done everyday and not once for
all, in order for it to reflect truly. This is the awakening of the mind, created
by the mind itself, for a new transformation, a vision of the discovery of the
being for this is who one is, always was - not who one thinks one was, is.
indicated above, we understand the world in a topsy-turvy manner, i.e., the world
seen by the senses is real while that which allows this to happen is unreal or
abstract. But the opposite is true, i.e., the world of senses is governed by a
mind-set socially conditioned through concepts and images represented symbolically
and is therefore abstract in fact. This is the commentary which one takes to be
real, whereas the action is at the experiential level that is indescribable beyond
words - even like the taste of water. To know this, one has to wake up from the
conditioning. Then one knows that it was always available, it is, provided one
stops clinging and hanging on to the known.
Contemplating in this manner creates
problems since the social system one lives in feels threatened by these manifest
expressions and statements, for these go against the old generalisations of mostly
the nineteenth century notions, ideas to which most of social sciences and even
science in many parts of the world where it is equated to technology and scientism,
continue to cling to. Not all of the current states of science perhaps accepts
this notion of an ocean of Intelligence, of a universal energy or a unified field.
If it is so, it has not penetrated to the larger society of scientists or society
at large. It also speaks of an attributeless, nameless and formless energy; all
name and form fixed in any way will limit it. How does one know it, then? It is
like light or electricity which is known by its effects in a cognisable form as
such by our senses. The infinite is present in the finite albeit often in a diluted
form, as it is often clouded and limited but reveals itself when awakened and
purified, this body-brain instrument which in its subtler aspects is light and
sound vibrations speaking in material terms. The universe is a Play of Consciousness,
Krsna-Leela; it is the clouds that hide the sun which is always there; it was
not so that it never was, it is.
and Science
The movement from a religious metaphor guiding the ancient past
to a scientific metaphor of modern times continues to go further ahead, since
the latter is increasingly being recognised as incomplete for telling us about
the various contemporary issues, the crisis, such as environmental pollution,
ecological imba-lances, and so on. The modern movement marked a departure from
the old dynamics of life when humankind lived closer to nature, sustained and
motivated by an understanding of our higher nature - an understanding that came
easily and naturally to them; as against the confidence of the modern era to achieve
better living conditions, through progress in terms of conquest of nature - introducing
both physical and psychological new parameters, separating man from nature, from
the universe and hence not being responsible for an overall harmony by being subservient
to the cosmos, but pretending to be the dominant force himself. Thus being good
and bad became mere matters of technical feasibility, since moral, spiritual and
other dimensions had little to do with material solid practicality of material
comforts. Now, all this is outdated in view of some developments in Science which
are ahead of the times, ahead of this reductionistic paradigm which alienated
man from the cosmos. It is in this context that scientists are moving in both
the inner and outer dimensions, science and religion, between matter and consciousness
even if physics and chemistry are inadequate to deal with such problems since
so far science has no moral dimensions to it (Weber:1986).
Physics has developed
wonderfully and become very important, interesting and a useful science. But it
is not very self-consistent, and it does not even try to cover the existence of
consciousness or life. Also quantum theory and relativity are not really reconciled
with each other. More investigations are necessary. The description of the world
and its unity by quantum theory is very different from that of old-fashioned physics,
that is macroscopic physics and also that of general relativity. But contradic-tions
in physics are noticed in a particular theory or system of logic only when we
apply it to a new situation and the theory predicts results that are not compatible
with the observed phenomena. And, this may be understood in terms of quantum mechanics
that describes probabilities - probability connections between subsequent observations.
Sciences thus speak in terms of approximations, and this is good since physics
deals with inanimate nature. It has not gone into the study of Consciousness,
just like at one time it did not consider itself ready to study microstructures,
as atoms and molecules. Earlier physics dealt with magnetism, electricity and
mechanics, etc. So today, while it deals with atoms and molecules, nevertheless
human beings are more than just that. Yet, sciences do not yet consider consciousness
to be part of their study - no more than the social sciences and humanities unfortunately
do. Perhaps because consciousness is considered something non-physical, since
the definition of physical is restricted just as Newtonian physics considered
atomic physics outside physics. Today, even chemistry and physics is incorporated
within each other, if not biology or microbiology.
Perhaps new tools and language
is necessary to understand consciousness, just as it was necessary to develop
a new tool to understand chemistry, i.e., quantum theory. The questions then raised
would be different, does self-identity demand consciousness, or does the latter
create identity, viz., I know that I am I because consciousness tells me so; is
it a product of something, as an emergence of evolution more or less accepted
by everyone, or is the quantum of consciousness in every living entity the same
in its nature or ability? The mechanical nature of each body may be different.
Maybe just as atoms are not products of something, but are certainly state of
matter by transformations, so is consciousness a state of being. Maybe it is either
a transformation of matter or it is totally a non-material principle. At any rate,
in terms of present science of physics and chemistry, a definition and description
of matter will not tell us about consciousness; just as one could say that Newton's
theory did not describe the emission of energy, heat and light by the sun - maybe
it was not expected to, even though the sun was always there. Today one speaks
of heat and light as transformations of material energy. Maybe a basic ground
work of theories will have to be changed to include a study of consciousness -
something new has to be introduced, a new art and laboratory of observation, i.e.,
consciousness itself becomes a baseline for the art of observation - it is observing
itself ! It involves a shift from particular entities, atoms and the rest as discrete
entities to relational phenomena of events as Alfred Whitehead suggested. Physics
and mathematics is no longer unidirectional in characterising things, these are
processes and probabilities. Maybe this is more akin to the processual idea of
Buddhists, rather than that of individual jivas as living beings as entities,
existing separately (Weber: Ibid.).
The suggestion is that it is important
to live in an open-ended system, as a human-being and not merely as a good scientist;
for example, molecular biologists think that the whole of nature of life can be
comprehended in terms of molecular biology - this is a mechanistic way of thinking,
this is what science is about and that is all that matters. Thus, the open-mindedness
of science is limited within established ideas or paradigms - just as many religions
also say the same thing, or social scientists who think that the framework or
content one is examining is the whole thing itself. Although the rational approach
is very useful in many productive ways, it has ignored psychological and spiritual
dimensions, especially the area of consciousness - areas often relegated to a
waste of time, or stupidity. This narrow vision, extreme specialisation - while
at the same time claiming open-endedness - is very neurotic and hence destructive,
consequences that are very much upon us in this century. For example, even the
role of intuition is not recognised in the work of the scientist himself, or his
own creative process of which little is know - not to speak of knowing himself
before knowing the universe.
The unity of things, man and nature, consciousness
and matter, inner and outer, subject and object - these can only be reconciled
not only when there is no separation between one's personal and professional life
but also when exploring their unity, and seen as a spiritual odyssey - no separation
between creative scientists, artists, humanists and the Sufis, saints, sages and
mystics - no reference to conventional scientists and religious figures and institutions.
This struggle for harmony, for integration and a search for wholeness is a priority
with which nothing else can compare. A coherent vision is possible by searching
for deep structures, whether in nature, the area of brain-mind, or mystic realms
- this is not possible through contemporary analytical philosophy which has become
merely intellectual, ignoring simplicity and unity. The move towards metaphysics
from physics, or towards unity, has as yet penetrated only a minority of the researchers
in all disciplines. The search for wisdom is as yet suspect, if not outrightly
ridiculed. For any search for a holistic perspective, rigorous examination is
necessary both in science and the study of consciousness. This is said emphatically
since it is erroneously thought that methodology may be dispensed with in this
search for wisdom; the objection is to all isms.
The philosophy of science
rests largely on empirical methodology; involves formulating one's hypothesis,
subjecting it to empirical experiment via carefully collected data that verify
or falsify the hypothesis, in order to draw conclusions that will become a theory
or perhaps a law - using equation and mathematics which is its handmaiden. Science
is thus concerned with concrete details and abstract reasoning, between inductive
and deductive ways; it has a very sophisticated structure. However, unless the
thing at hand under study is both itself and something beyond itself, it loses
meaning or becomes destructive in the long run - as we see science and technology
turning into scientism and empiricism. Scientific details only acquire meaning
when they glow with another metascientific reality. The collections of sense data
about data is not a mere collection but depicts not describes, like poetry and
art does a single reality of grandeur and beauty, which may be experienced on
multiple levels - only a handful of scientists like Einstein express it publicly.
Feeling and experiencing this oneness is, if it must be defined, mysticism. Science,
originating from philosophical searches, also arises from the idea of wonder and
awe; there is both an ethical and aesthetic side to it. Perhaps now it explains
the mystery of being, while mysticism experiences it; the former is limited while
the latter in unbounded. Nevertheless, both seek unity, a unified field of existence
which forms the link, the substratum. What is this, and how is it tied to the
existence of the scientist itself? It is possible that now one is speaking of
a realm that is beyond language, schema-symbols too feeble to translate that ineffable
domain, of Silence. Nevertheless, it is knowable, communicable even if whatever
one says about it becomes an untruth. Like in physics, there can only be approximations
of the statements one makes.
Perhaps, one may call science outer empiricism
and the inner exploration as inner empiricism, then the common ground is unity,
linking the microcosm and the macrocosm, nature and man, the observer and the
observed. Max Planck acknowledged it well, "Science cannot solve the ultimate
mystery of nature . . . because in the last analysis we are ourselves part of
nature, and, therefore, part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."
Man, however, is the crucial clue to the mystery himself. From time to time some
scientists have realised this, and the relationship between mysticism and science
is re-emerging in a modern form of the ancient relationship between the two approaches.
But are these two reconcilable: one is quantitative, the other is qualitative;
one's methodology is rigorous formalisation, the other's meditation; one's mastery
is over gross matter, the other is over subtle matter (of inner bodies and so
on) which has its own laws, logic, insight and workings analogous to science.
In the latter too subtle matter has begun to appear in the theories of the twentieth-century
physicist; it is no longer value-free even if it is cognitive in nature and understands
phenomena by piece-meal analysis - precisely its weakness. The mystic's laboratory
is the inner one, and of course in this quest he may equally be lost, forgetting
the outer particular things. There is thus a relationship between simplicity and
multiplicity, the universal and the particular. Viewing it like this, for instance
in chemistry in a homogenous solution chromium stays invisible until it is coaxed
to reveal itself through some appropriate steps; similarly there is the enigmatic
metaphor of creation in the Svetasvatara Upanisad, " Like butter hidden in
cream is the (pure consciousness) source which pervades all things."
short, in Indian cosmology, the phenomenal world is the solid, the precipitate
which becomes crystallised in space and time by cosmic consciousness in which
it floats. David Bohm speaks of the implicate order cosmology, with its schema
of dense and subtle matter, referring to a single source underlying the universe.
Immanence and transcendence becomes one - divinity in everything - in this model
where the finite unites with the infinite. The universe is materialised Brahman.
Such a reversible equation recalls Einstein's equivalence of matter and energy,
and the particle and wave identity of quantum mechanics. One may even go to the
extent of saying that it - mysticism - that is pursuing with ruthless logic the
Grand Unified Theory - the one that includes the questioner in its answer. Science
wants to leave the scientist outside this search.
Perhaps, the dilemma that
while it is easier to deconstruct nature and the other exoteric stuff by the mind,
the latter as ego finds it difficult to deconstruct and reconstruct itself. For,
in both cases in doing this that an enormous amount of energy is released. The
binding power which keeps the atom together and the ego in another sense, will
only reveal that energy and dimension hitherto undreamt of, so to speak. Like
there is no ultimate building block, only transformational energy, so there is
no fixed entity as the personality, independent and free. Once this is clear through
different methodologies, techniques, the resultant staggering energy is a channel
to limitless universal energy - Cosmic Consciousness. In both cases, it is the
unfoldment of immense energy - potential in nature and the human realm through
the substratum which one was seldom aware of experientially. This is not hair-splitting
but atom-splitting and ego-splitting ! Both are arduous paths that cannot be treaded
lightly, since both require an attitude of sacredness - otherwise it becomes negative,
pathological and destructive as we all well know by now both in physical and psychological
These states of the release of energy are quantum transformational
jumps with all kinds of possibilities; the mystic altered states of consciousness,
harmonise the awareness of that individual, as in some ways his awareness alters
the subatomic structure of which he is made up of to the deep structures we referred
to above. In this sense, the mystic is a true alchemist since he brings the micro
and macro levels together; he lives psychologically in the mode of creation, manifestation,
dissolution of every particle of subtle matter and energy - he can let go and
dies to each moment so that the next moment is afresh and a rebirth. In short,
he lives in the timeless present, the now - the presence.
Scientist too talk
of beauty, elegance, the good and true of reality, in this search for the Unity;
it is not merely a mechanical search of an equation, or a single comprehensive
law, in a conventional sense, bereft of aesthetics. In this sense its search is
also spiritual, since behind the intellectual drive of the great creators of science,
a deeper force is at work. Without this idea or something like that, if one hesitates
calling it consciousness or intelligence, it is difficult to account for the way
scientific genius operates, as behind the multiplicity of appearances lies the
unity of an intrinsic reality.7
All this is not to devalue science, but it
cannot answer questions as, what happened before the Big-Bang, what lies beyond
the edge of the universe, what started it and why? Mysticism at least points to
a direction, i.e., universe originates in consciousness as subtle matter which
gives rise to dense matter, but all matter forms a continuum. The subtler the
matter - purer the mind - the closer it gets to consciousness and ultimately cannot
be distinguishable. But neither matter nor consciousness, even if they form one
continuum are, according to the mystics, the ultimate. Both have a source in something
which is beyond themselves, and cannot become an object of knowledge - not even
in non-ordinary states of altered consciousness when there is unity of space,
matter and consciousness, minus the person, or the ego.
In these ontological-experiential
states, the distinction between inner and outer space, nature and self, consciousness
and matter are lost. If science produces pure energy from dense matter, the mystic
way transforms the dancer as the dance itself, as Consciousness is aware of consciousness
itself. As is the Zen saying, "The eye which I see is the very eye which
sees me". The participatory universe, however, demands a dialogue, in terms
of the I-Thou experience of Martin Buber. Dialogue reflects the insights of each
partner at this moment in time, and does not negate the fact that another moment
may call forth another response. In this sense, dialogue is creativity, exchanging
energies and insights, adding something afresh to the happenings of the universe
in this encounter. Scientists like John Wheeler, Prigogine, Heisenberg, and others
support this view and advocate it. Bohm goes even further to state that meaning
is a form of being. In the very act of interpreting the universe we are creating
the universe. Through our meanings we change nature's being. What the cosmos is
doing as dialogue is to change its idea of itself in its questions and answers,
its struggling to decipher its own being (Weber: Ibid.).
matter with consciousness in science, has been a long-standing puzzle. Recent
developments since 1970 in cognitive science has attempted to unravel this puzzle
somewhat. Especially the developments of quantum physics and chaos theory have
shown us that in any strict sense, science cannot predict and control always.
Some say that after a certain point in time, in evolution, consciousness comes
into play which is qualitatively different than reductionist causes of science.
Maybe the hypothesis of an all-pervasive energetic field of quantum zero-point
energy is the all-pervasive field, which Consciousness of the esoteric traditions
talks about too.
However, all recent attempts basically retain the old tested
approach of science, which wants to understand it from down-upwards causation.
First one must understand this, and then reverse this approach; direct it towards
an all-inclusive holistic one, an up-downwards causation. Implying thereby that
the basic stuff of the universe to study is the physical energy, matter, even
if it is terms of fundamental particles and their associated interrelationships.
It has been a mistake of modern science to assume that ultimately reductionistic
scientific causes are explanations of everything. It is not an adequate world-view,
since it has resulted in gaining control through manipulation of the physical
- and the psychological-cultural implications thereby - environment albeit within
that context everything seems to work well. It leading to conflicts, confrontational
dualities between science and religion, free will versus determinism, you versus
me, and so on.
Of course, these foundational assumptions have been modified
with the advent of quantum physics, particularly by the indeterminacy principle
and the inherent statistical nature of measurement of the very small. Agreement
is spreading among the few that science must develop the ability to look at things,
particularly living things, more holistically. There is evidence that everything
physical and mental that is experienced is part of an intercommunicating unity,
a oneness, and there is no justification of the assumption of separateness. However,
within specific contexts, isolating parts from the whole the ordinary concepts
of scientific causation do also apply.
In other words, if we include both ways,
inner and outer, into account then we know that one reality is to known in two
ways that are not separate but interlinked. The epistemological issue involved
is our encountering of reality limited to being aware of, and giving meaning to
the messages from our physical senses (objective), or does it not also include
a subjective aspect in an intuitive, aesthetic, spiritual, noetic and mystical
sense? In any case, in normal science ethics and aesthetics (elegance) enters
in various ways. In a restructuring of our view of science, of matter, inner explorers
may be included. In doing so, science would be more inclusive and this is not
to invalidate any of the physical and biological sciences. One may thus be both
distancing oneself and be also participatory, in being one with the subject.
goal of the above discussion is to point out new directions of holistic science,
of oneness - Consciousness - as the new foundations and metaphysics, then whole
new vistas are open before us. Many anomalies, paranormal phenomena, will begin
to fit in this framework, that does not insist on fitting everything into a reductionistic
science and that we humans are here solely through random causes, in a meaningless
universe; nor that our consciousness is merely the chemical and physical processes
of the brain.
Few scientists are willing to question the philosophical issues
underlying their work; that they are part of the underlying definition of science
- say the objectivist, positivistic, determinist, and reductionist assumptions
of logical empiricism. Not that these have not served science and technological
development well, less so in biology even though the new gospel is molecular biology;
but when the social scientist have aped these approaches it has been a disaster.
scientists would assert that science has moved away from all this for over half
a century ago. But it is not clear, towards what; and consciousness has not come
into the picture yet even though major paradoxes are facing science today, namely:
The fundamental nature of things does not appear to be convergent - more and more
of fundamental particles are appearing - reductionism is in fact pointing to a
wholeness, in their separation these are connected.
8. The fundamental organising
force in living systems, from the largest to the smallest, is unexplained by physical
principles (homeostasis; intricate flower patterns, butterfly wings, etc., healing,
regeneration, ontogenesis, etc.)
9. The problem of action at a distance, or
non-local causality, appearing in the far reaches of quantum physics; meaningful
coincidences or connections, or Jungian Synchronicity - called paranormal, telepathic,
clairvoyant communication; a host of others.
10. The knowledge of the universe
is incomplete since there is no place for the consciousness of the observer, as
if he is not in it; the notion of free will, volition and other characteristics
of consciousness. Going from physiochemical to the consciousness does not work;
it is the movement from higher, subtle, to the lower or gross which will take
many of these aspects into account.
11. The notion of the self, the concept
is not clear and not taken into account even though it is involved in the act
of observation.
12. What are altered states of consciousness, which mystics
and others know of, but are indicated in ordinary mundane lives also and are sought
after by one and all - in aesthetic experience and so on? If atom, and other splitting
causes the release of unforeseen energy, the splitting of the ego releases another
dimension of consciousness little known in everyday living in a sleep-dream like
Given the above puzzles, researchers are moving into new areas to understand
matter and consciousness, unthinkable a couple of decades ago. It requires a restructuring
of the approach towards a oneness picture, a wholeness science as some would like
to call it. This is to say one experiences the world from inside as consciousness,
which is the whole also since the outside experienced by the senses is its external
manifestation. Evolutionary speaking, evolution is the manifestation of consciousness,
not just a single track of separate evolution from times immemorial. Consciousness,
thus becomes an agency, in the relevant data which we desire to create for our
images and pictures of reality.
This approach thus implies a sensitisation
of the observer, whereby he/she is altered and is willing to be transformed in
an ongoing dialogue - with whatever - which is the essence of creation and not
any rigid stand of authority, expertise that leads to entropy. This transformation
happens, if it is true for the anthropologist, psychotherapist and so it would
be true for the scientist who wishes to study meditation and altered states of
consciousness. Maybe the movement is up and down, like an hour glass or a spiral.
This process of conscious awareness, involves unconscious processes, volition
and the concept of the self and so on. In scale, depending on the level - where
one is placed - that matter becomes consciousness and consciousness, matter. It
all is real or unreal - whatever suits one's terminology.
Naturally, in the
new approach (e.g., not that bodies have consciousness, but consciousness has
bodies) the questions asked will radically change; how does separateness arise,
if all is one; does the brain act as a filtering and reductive mechanism? No longer
will one ask questions of how to integrate the universe but how does it feel separate;
how to explain the interconnections - not through linear processes of the big-bang;
of seeking a unified theory involving many different fields (gravitational, electromagnetic,
morphogenetic, string theory, etc.) the various energies. Once, following Einstein
who took light's velocity to be basic, consciousness becomes the base line and
different explanations will follow - a quantum jump ! It will serve us well in
individual and societal development as well. Openness to alternative theories
in this scheme, explanations and healthy scepticism remains a part and parcel
of it. In brief, the new approach of research scientific endeavours include both
direct experience of the inner senses and the outer physical ones as a unity of
consciousness; and is not based on any principle of exclusion of any human experience.
short, the view of this paper has been to emphasise the fact that there is an
urgent need to change the basic paradigm globally from a mechanistic one to holistic
one in the physio-psychic realm. The split-dualistic is built into the very texture
of the scientific study of matter, of thought, in all walks of life. Its limitations
have to be seen in order that a unified mode is available as has been shown by
particle physics, extra-galactic cosmology, through post-Einsteinian physics,
and by Heisenberg and others - in the dissolution of solid matter into waves of
probability. The shift indicates that Consciousness is not an epi-phenomenon of
matter but the very matrix and the Context of all contexts within which everything
functions, i.e., it is the way of perception itself.
When one considers the
brain-body system separate from the external circumstances, then it is the old
approach to considering oneself outside the picture, a mere observer. The mental
setup is made up of the socio-cultural world and the individual personality is
not a free independent unit with its own will to play as it wishes; this is the
belief one works in the world to solve any crisis. It is like repairing a motor
vehicle which is constantly involved in accidents without taking into account
the fact that the driver is constantly drunk and that is where the problem ought
to be looked into. If one leaves the brain-body system out of reckoning in this
attempt to rectify matters, then the most important variable is left out. But
one plods along as if the individual, this unit, the brain is all right and all
one has to do is to cure the socio-economic conditions for the utopia to come
into existence.
Now, the organism, the body-brain mechanism itself, is being
hard put to understand all these goings on; it is struggling to know this state
of affairs of utter conflict and contradiction since in its very depth of being
it knows it is made up of all the elements of the universe. It is in fact in all
of its activities trying to relate and communicate by its surroundings, the environment.
But this conditioning is so deep rooted, as a separate self, as an identity that
obviously it causes agony and alienation as well since it seems to give an empty
feeling about one's identity. This so-called separate self unconsciously cannot
really discover any solid, stable 'me' or an answer to , who am I? In normal life,
all one does is to play the various social roles that are based on a reaction-reaction
system within the relatedness to the other functionally given. Without the other,
there is no separate identity even at the social level.
Nevertheless, since
the conditioning is so strong, the brain struggles to search for its real identity
and not finding one in what it has learnt within that limited dimension, it is
thoroughly exasperated; it goes berserk despite trying to maintain some semblance
to sanity, it becomes frantic, and it is in despair and totally alienated both
within and without. One may ask, since the separate self has always been there,
why is the turmoil so great today? Earlier, perhaps by and large individuals functioned
within certain stable social setups that were not governed by rapid changes and
one's position in society was relatively secure in terms of who's who and what
was one's position. This gave a certain kind of stability within the given world-views
which were accepted as one's context of existence in the universe. The same has
no longer been true, with the beginning of the modern era in the seventeenth century
and the rapid growth of industrialization, urbanization and the philosophy of
cross consumerism that has become the global way of life, barring some minor exceptions.
All socio-cultural boundaries have been eroded, quickly and there is no certitude
even in any world-views, unless it is a reversion to fundamentalism as a last
ditch battle. The brain has no time to adjust to changes occurring externally
in walks of life, not excluding the environmental changes. A new order based on
intrinsic equality is a long way off, just like is the case in terms of socio-political
and economic equality. The different parts are not co-ordinated, especially psychologically
since thought itself is based, as yet, on hierarchy and domination and subordination
Thus nothing is clear even externally, in this age of transition
when even the views of the cosmos are far from clear and the old ones no longer
provide any adequate answers. Perhaps, these are phase-changes, like what Prigogine
(Artigiani:1990) speaks of the time of dissipative structures. One can imagine
the state of affairs in the brain, given the enormity of the problem briefly stated
above. This is the uncertainty, and the cause of violence, upheavals since every
aspects of life is destablised into several contending problems, their solutions,
theories, etc. But the more weight one gives to creating artificial identities,
old or new formulations, these are still not one's natural or spontaneous creations.
These formulations are made more out of a sense of insecurity, clinging to a so-called
reinterpreted past. These are reactive attempts which do not create security since
it is a reaction to the others who also are against it as mutually dependent enemies.
inner psyche is still looking for 'who am I?',who one is, and no amount of external
solutions, in the absence of the overarching umbrella of Consciousness, will bring
about any lasting peace or contentment. The organism somehow knows its true nature,
or at least that what is given is not so. But in the present trance-like conditioning
one continues to grope in the hope of 'tomorrow and tomorrow' little realising
that mirages continuously recede and will never marterialise. The first signs
of the awakening of Consciousness is to be aware of this false image, the false
changes, this hope against hope, this untruth. This is the first step towards
a new dimension which without being stated may bring about the 18010 degrees transformation
that is so imperative in bringing about the shift in Global Consciousness in all
walks of life.
That is Whole
This is the Whole
From Wholeness emerges
Wholeness coming from Wholeness
Wholeness still remains.
The richest and most fundamental of all complementarities is of course that of
matter and Consciousness (mind). Perhaps, Wolfgang Pauli (of the Pauli Exclusion
Principle) has stated the matter most clearly and succinctly. "To us . .
. the only acceptable point of view appears to be one that recognized both sides
of reality - the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the psychical
- as compatible with each other, and can embrace them simultaneously . . . . It
would be most satisfactory of all if phusis and psyche (i.e., matter and mind)
could be seen as complementary aspects of reality."(1955; pp.208-10); quoted
by Kothari (1986).
2. The quest for unity has taken on new poignancy in recent
years, as the unstoppable sledgehammer of specialization pounds the world into
smaller and smaller pieces and as humankind grows more estranged from nature.
For example, the Gaia hypothesis, which proposes that the Earth is a single organism,
has attracted a devout following far beyond the scientific community. Introduced
in its modern version by James Lovelock (1979; 1988), who claims that the earth's
atmosphere, oceans, climate, land, and living creatures are part of a giant feedback
loop, which attempts to maintain conditions suitable for life (Myers: 1985).
Ferris (1991) is concerned with cosmic unity since he believes that our true connectedness
lies far beyond Earth, with the cosmos. Ferris envisions our relationship to the
universe as hour-glass shaped. On the bottom side is the inner realm of the mind;
on the top is the outer realm of animals, stars, galaxies. His work encompasses
brain studies, astronomy, physics, mysticism, the "near death experience",
environmentalism, information theory and so on, all in the context of mind's search
for unity and cosmic connection.
3. Does unity have a reality beyond its conception?
Is it that the mind must impose unity on the inner world of itself ? Could the
same be true of the outer world beyond the mind? Could the unity scientists seek
exist mainly in their minds? Perhaps, the unity of science consists alone in its
method, not its material, as it is not the facts themselves which form science,
but the method in which they are dealt with. Order, and reason, beauty and benevolence
are characteristics and conceptions which we find solely associated with the mind
of man, wrote Karl Pearson (1892), the founder of twentieth-century statistics,
in his influential book, The Grammar of Science. This is much the same as Einstein
said in the journal of Science(1940), "Science is the attempt to make the
chaotic diversity of our sense experience correspond to a logically uniform system
of thought" (Ferris, Ibid.).
4. The theory of quantum physics was worked
out in the first three decades of the century by Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg,
Erwin Schroedinger and Louis de Broglie, and that theory has been confirmed with
great precision by many experiments, including the double-slit one. But no one
understands the meaning of quantum physics. If it has not made the new man of
science jump from his chair, it has certainly made him wonder what he was sitting
on! We have learned that there is no clear line between the observer and the observed.
We are connected to nature. We are part of a whole. The physicist John Archibald
Wheeler calls the world as we now understand it as a "participatory universe";
i.e., that we shape the properties of the universe by our very observation of
it. Not long ago, such a notion would have been dismissed out of hand by every
bona fide scientist and many philosophers. We are not mere bystanders who probe
electrons to see how they move, or who record the level of carbon dioxide in the
air, or who build radio receivers to point up instead of sideways. We are part
of it (Ferris, Ibid.).
5. Another message is that science is done by individuals
who bring with them, and are influenced by beliefs. Chance events can lead to
predictable outcomes. For example, the decay of a single radioactive atom is the
paradigm of randomness, but the behaviour of a large lump of radioactive material
can be accurately predicted. Hence, the contingency of evolution does not depend
merely on the random nature of genetic mutation. It arises because mutations have
qualitative different effects, and because these effects can be amplified. This
amplification of quantum events, combined with the unpredictability of the environment,
makes it impossible to foretell the long-term future, although it may still be
possible to explain evolution in retrospect. There is no stately Victorian notion
of inevitable progress toward the Omega point. Empirically, individual lineages
do not necessarily progress: they are as likely to lead to tapeworms, or to nothing
at all, as to lead to man. There is no such thing as global progress; only a tendency
to get better and better at whatever you happen to be doing, i.e., increasing
information transmitted from generation to generation - from RNA molecules duplicating
themselves to social animals and animals with language (Mayr: 1990).
6. Cassidy
(1990) writes that at the age of 23, in 1925, Heisenberg laid the foundations
of quantum mechanics on which all subsequent generations have built. It abandoned
the basic notions of the old classic physics, such as that of electrons moving
in orbits, replacing them by a much more abstract description. It is true that
a year later Erwin Schroedinger published his theory of wave mechanics, which
turned out to be identical in content to Heisenberg's quantum mechanics. But we
needed both points of view to develop a real understanding of the physical world.
Bohm-Sommerfield theory, accepted before Heisenberg's paper, described electrons
in the atom as revolving around the nucleus in orbits, like planets around the
sun, as in classical mechanics, but only certain selected orbits were allowed.
Radiation was emitted when an electron jumped from one orbit to another, and the
energy loss of the electron determined the frequency (colour) of the radiation.
Heisenberg discarded the concept of orbits which not in principle be observed,
this was made more precise later through his uncertainty principle, and he proposed
that the physicist should only deal with observable things. This meant concentrating
not on single orbits, but on the emitted radiation, which comes from a jump between
two orbits, so that talks of two states of the atom at a time.
wave mechanics started from a very different approach, but it also gave correct
results and appeared at first to be an alternative theory. It soon proved to be
the same as Heisenberg's, although expressed in a different language. After a
heated discussion the correct view was expressed by Max Born that the intensity
of the waves determines the probability with which the electron will be found
at a given point in space. Thus physics cannot specify the position of a particle;
its position is a matter of chance, with only probabilities being the subject
of the physicist's description. This conclusion led Heisenberg to his "uncertainty
principle", which has to do with the accuracy with which different attributes
of a physical object can be known; the more precisely we want to know the position
of a particle, the more uncertain must be its velocity, because the act of observation
causes an unknown change in the velocity. (Gandhi: 1990).
7. Science has undergone
radical revolutionary changes in its connections not only of nature but also of
its own workings. It has come a long way not only from a Newtonian universe, left
far behind, but even in terms of Relativity and Quantum theory with the development
of "Copenhagen Interpretation". For example: 1. Planck's constant "now
renders description of nature inherently stochastic". 2. Heisenberg's principle
of Indeterminancy shows the impossibility of a full and complete mnemonic picture
of nature". A combination of both these produces a radically new epistemology
in which the scientist participates unavoidably in the picture of nature that
he produces. 3. Neils Bohr's Principle of Complementarity recognizes the fundamental
complexity of nature, "Forever repudiating any monolithic reduction of nature
to a single level of reality describable in a single language. At the same time,
application of these ideas to chemistry and biology have revealed the importance
of non-material realities, like order and structure".
In short, all these
new areas in science, or a new science, talks of randomness rather determinism,
complexity replaces simplicity, mind replaces matter, and aesthetic principles
replace mechanical impacts. If the old goals of sciences were antithetical to
the humanities or for predicting human behaviour, the new scientific "cannons
respect the same values as do the humanities, while its descriptive laws may make
possible an organizational paradigm that will allow history to rise to significant
levels of theoretical generalities". 4. One such example is Ilya Prigogine's
thermodynamics, wherein he talks of 'dissipative structures', open systems far
from any equilibrium states, as earlier thought. Such a model may apply to the
study of history and civilizations. Prigogine argues that dissipative structure's
model the process by which matter organises itself into higher and more complex
systems. The self-organization of matter, "explains the origin and evolution
of living forms and also the emergence and development of the systems in which
living forms are organised. The latter is said to include the course of development
of eco-systems and even civilizations. The potential of Prigogine's thermodynamics
for historian is immense. A science that could track the development of civilization
would give us a model for the organization of our data, a way to extract meaning
from the cacophony of events, and a device for explaining history". (Artigiani:
Science has been governed by Newtonian systems and Gallileo's knowledge,
i.e., gathering facts to make it a whole which rested on a timeless idealization.
It posited a nature made up entirely of matter and forces, forces which act on
matter but do not change it, i.e., it is a static concept that does not allow
nature to other qualitatively, not dynamic. In other words it was a mechanical
model (as followed in history and social sciences) of nature that is indifferent
to time, where potential and kinetic energy is constant so that any strictly mechanical
alteration is wholly reversible. Thus Newtonian forces leave dead matter substantially
the same although the positions may have changed. Newtonian sciences cannot explain
the existence of scientists who create it!
Irreversibility is the key to Prigogine's
revolution. If nature is irreversible then it is not indifferent to time. Time
is a fundamental part of nature, not just a device for measuring nature. This
means that with time built into it, a historical nature would be one in which
new forms of existence could develop as a result of concrete experiences. These
new forms in turn, could constitute wholly new levels of phenomena, dependent
in their antecedents but not reducible to them. Dynamics would then become profound,
for movement would result in qualitative change leading to increased complexity
and new laws of behaviour. This like a science of systematics theory, for it would
be the very evolution of a structure over time through experiences that defined
the structure. The structure would be self-referential, like a work of art. Science
thus absorbs the epistemology of history, for it describes nature existentially
as the narrative sum of its experiences. This, in short, is Prigogine's science,
rejecting monolithic idealization of nature, but embracing Bohr's Complementarity
and develops different languages to describe nature in its several stages.(Aritgiani:
Dissipative structures are often thus systems exchanging matter and
energy with its environment. " Because it can draw upon environmental resources
it can maintain its internal order even though that order is far from equilibrium,
therefore it is open to variations in environmental inputs, a dissipative structures
is always vulnerable to evolutionary developments . . . .Thus structures follow
function and is dependent on environmental fluctuations". In summary, dissipative
structures combines freedom with order, stability with change, internal with external
factors. Its self-consciously Aristotelian character describes a nature in which
dynamics is significant, for now nature not only moves, it changes. Change, growth,
and development are now fundamental to nature, like time. But change takes place
through a process of evolution punctuated by non-linear departures occurring when
a system is driven through a stage of complexity which exceeds its organizational
capacities. Further, this leads to bifurcation points - catastrophes endured -
continuity and discontinuity, order and transition succeed each other in ways
which can never be predicted. All structures are the result of wholly random occurrences,
but structures once in existence are far from a state of equilibrium, these can
govern their internal behaviour and thereby sustain themselves. All these laws
could be applicable to the study of history and social sciences. Prigogine's science
is what matter thinks about itself, once matter gets complex enough to think,
in the sense what history has not done in the very narration of it!
Bernard instability, of replication, all at the molecular level, all this suggests
that the emergence of civilization, like a phase change, is wholly unpredictable
event caused by free and creative people as they react to environmental factors.
In other words, suggesting that a new civilizational structure would demand greater
environmental resources than the simpler organization preceding it. In open systems
many variables are involved; in this way boundary-structures being defined by
the system itself and thus be defined into higher forms or be crystallised. Details
of such aspects will have to be worked out in details. It is therefore a mind-effected,
mind-affected world - a snake eating its tail symbol. In many in which mind transforms
matter, leaving behind a template that reconstructs the creating mind in any succeeding
intelligence encountering it. Works of art are obvious examples of how artist
effects his work, the media; the latter effecting the artist too and the viewer
as well. One could say in a similar way how technology has effected humankind
albeit it was created by it, e.g., cars taking over man's organisation.
this way a physical record of historical experience survives to program future
actions, in a manner quite like the DNA molecule which is also a system of organisation.
In humanity's case, its capacity to record and communicate experience symbolically
that most affects behaviour. Recent social theorists have developed the idea of
a cognitive map to explain the process by which environments and experience are
encoded to orient behaviour. The cognitive map is a set of symbols held in the
mind that represents the environment and preserves the record of ancestral experiences
to deal with environmental challenges, i.e., a data bank and programme constituting
the cultural complex relating to one another and their world. The maps are meant
to match the environment, and like a thermostat maintains homeostasis; often the
map is clumsy and seldom recognized and aware of it, i.e., people are unconscious
of it, of how to use it and read it. It is only when systems of values in it are
most important like the hexagons of Bernard's instability, then only transformations
become possible, i.e., when knowledge and experience fuse into values they undergo
phase change. If this does not happen, civilization is unable to match internal
changes, and environmental changes, then do enter catastrophe phases. Being conscious
of these, one can play the game or be overcome by reactions and chain of events
including ways of explaining one's self. There is no meaning of history; there
is meaning in history, the meaning people give to their own experiences when they
map and thereby order it, i.e., it is not deterministic but self-referential,
in order to test their validity. This, in order to create non-linear departures
or psychologically quantum jumps which this civilization requires at this crucial
juncture both historically and in terms of evolutionary goals. It may be done
by self-organization, self-definition, re-definition of cultural values that are
not antithetical to nature. This would bring about the necessary radical revolution
so necessary for humankind today (Aritgiani: 1990).
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