Here are some great personalities on Buddhism...hope
you enjoy it...
The Buddha's Greatness
cannot myself feel that either in the matter of wisdom or in the matter of virtue
Christ stands quite as high as some other people known to history I think I should
put Buddha above him in those respects." (Bertrand Russel, "Why I am
not a Christian")
Embodiment of Virtues
"Buddha was the embodiment
of all the virtues he preached. During his successful and eventful ministry of
45 years he translated all his words into action; and in no place did he give
vent to any human frailty. or any base passion. The Buddha's moral code is the
most perfect which the world has ever known." (Prof. Max Muller, German Scholar)
of The Human Tree
This is the blossom on our human tree
Which opens in many
a myriad years
But opened, fills the world with wisdom's scent
And love's
dropped honey. (Sir Edwin Arnol, "Light of Asia")
Buddha Is Nearer
to Us
You see clearly a man, simple, devout, lonely, battling for light, a
vivid human personality, not a myth. Beneath a mass of miraculous fable I feel
that there also was a man. He too, gave a message to mankind universal in its
character. Many of our best modern ideas are in closest harmony with it. All the
miseries and discontents of life are due, he taught, to selfishness. Selfishness
takes three forms --one, the desire to satisfy the senses; second, the craving
for immortality; and the third the desire for prosperity and worldliness. Before
a man can become serene he must cease to live for his senses or himself. Then
he merges into a greater being. Buddha in a different language called men to self-forgetfulness
five hundred years before Christ. In some ways he was near to us and our needs.
Buddha was more lucid upon our individual importance in service than Christ, and
less ambiguous upon the question of personal immortality.(H. G. Wells)
Human Powers
Buddha's super-human powers are in keeping with the picture drawn
of his character. They are mostly the result of an attempt to describe a mind
and will of more than human strength, but the superhuman thus idealized rarely
works miracles of healing. He saved mankind by teaching the way of salvation.
not by alleviating a few chance cases of physical distress. (Prof. Eliot, "Hinduism
and Buddhism")
Buddha Did Not Shut His Eyes to What Had Before so Saddened
In looking at the world around and within, the Buddha saw a gradual process
of evolution. He did not shut His eyes to what had before so saddened him, the
struggle for existence, the incessant warfare which goes on between plant and
plant, and animal and animal for the means of subsistence; but with his illuminated
vision he saw, as the result of this struggle, evolving life, which needed a succession
of higher and higher forms for its expression. He lived at a time when superstition
was rife, when men thought that their conditions and character depended upon the
gods who could be persuaded to help or hinder as they were worshipped and sacrificed
to by their followers. (Hodson Smith)
Buddha Is Like a Physician
The Buddha
is like a physician. Just as a doctor must know the diagnosis of the different
kinds of illness, their causes, the antidotes and remedies, and must he able to
apply them, so also the Buddha has taught the Four Holy Truths which indicate
the range of suffering, its origin, its cessation, and the way which lead to its
cessation.(Dr. Edward Conze, "Buddhism")
Buddha --The Beloved of
the World
This is the day on which the world's great Sun
Of Light transcending
every other light.
Rose on the darkness of a world foredone.
And broke the
spell of black Avijja's night.
This is the day on which that Sun rose high
the last heights of insight. wisdom, love.
And from the zenith of pure Vijja's
Poured His free rays on all that live and move.
This is the day when.
all His labours ended.
Sank to His rest our glorious Sun. Yet lo!
He leaves a radiance. matchless, splendid.
Even His Law, that in our skies
doth glow.
And still shall glow till dawns another Light
The Buddha of a
new world's opening day.
And raying Metta, kindness infinite.
Flings ope
once more the new-old ancient Way.
To all the Buddhas of the times to come.
all the Buddhas of the times before.
To Him our Buddha. Teacher. Refuge. Home,
bow our hearts this day and evermore. (Bhikkhu Silacara, British Buddhist Monk)
Planned Wisely
All students of that wonderful life will appreciate the sincerity
of this tribute, and most will be glad to endorse it. Of Gotama's serenity, of
his moral earnestness, of his sweet reasonableness, of his compassion, of his
wisdom, and above all of his magnetic winsomeness, there can be no dispute. That
he planned wisely and built on strong foundations, the history of Buddhism through
twenty-five centuries proclaims. (Prof. K.J. Saunders, Hon. Literary Secretary
Y.M.C.A., India, Burma, Ceylon)
Winner of Hearts
It was the individual Buddha
that captivated men; it was the teaching that emanated from him that fired enthusiasm;
it was his position as an aristocrat that made him acceptable to the aristocracy,
his magnetism that made him the idol of the people. From every page stands out
the strong attractive personality of this teacher and winner of hearts.(Prof.
K. J. Saunders)
No Princely Pride
The Buddha started his ministry by killing
all his princely pride in acts of self-humiliation. He attained sainthood during
his life, but never lost his naturalness, never assumed superior airs. His dissertations
and parables were never pompous. He had time for the most humble of men and women.
He never lost his human sense of fun. Buddhists despise those who boast of their
religious experiences.(John Walters, "Mind Unshaken")
For the Benefit
of Mankind
The Buddha laboured not for his own or his creator's glory but simply
and solely for the benefit of mankind. Conversion by force had no meaning for
him. (Prof. Eliot, "Buddhism and Hinduism")
No Persecution
is no record known to me in the whole of the long history of Buddhism throughout
the many centuries where its followers have been for such lengthened periods supreme,
of any persecution by the Buddhists of the followers of any other faith. (Prof.
Rhys Davids)
nsatisfactory World
Buddha was not angry with the world. He
thought of it as unsatisfactory and transmitary rather than wicked, as ignorant
rather than rebellious. He troubled little about people who would not listen to
him and no nervous irritability. (Prof. Eliot, "Buddhism and Hinduism")
Does Not Demand Belief
The Buddha has not merely awakened to the supreme reality;
he also presents his higher knowledge that is superior to that of "all gods
and men" most clearly and free from all mythological disguise and mythical
clothing. Here, however, it is given in so cogent a form that it presents itself
as positively self-evident to the person who is able to follow him. For this reason
the Buddha does not demand any belief, but promises knowledge. (George Grimm,
"The doctrine of the Buddha")
Anyone Can Experience It
anyone else, Buddha not only laid bare the great practical problem of how we can
make ourselves perfectly free from sorrow and absolutely full of bliss, but he
has referred his essential problem directly to the primary problem of our deepest
nature. What wholly unique is that he has referred it to a simple syllogism of
such simplicity that, with goodwill, even an intelligent shepherd can in the end
experience it in all its overwhelming certainty. (George Grimm, German Philosopher,
"The Doctrine of the Buddha")
Buddha Has Seen Deeper than Modern
"Gautama got rid of even that shade of a shadow of permanent
existence by a metaphysical tour de force of great interest to the student of
philosophy seeing that it supplies the wanting half of Bishop Berkeley's well-known
idealist argument. It is a remarkable indication of the subtlety of Indian speculation
that Gautama should have seen deeper than the greatest of modern idealist'. The
tendency of enlightened thought of all today all the world over is not towards
theology, but philosophy and psychology. The bark of theological dualism is drifting
into danger. The fundamental principles of evolution and monism are being accepted
by the thoughtful. (Prof. Huxley, "Evolution and Ethics")
Aryan Faith
is at least interesting to remember that Gotama was the only man of our own race,
the only Aryan, who can rank as the founder of a great religion. Not only so,
but the whole intellectual and religious development of which Buddhism is the
final outcome was distinctively Aryan, and Buddhism is the one essentially Aryan
faith. (Prof. Rhys Davids)
Appreciation of Buddhism
Although one may originally
be attracted by its remoteness, one can appreciate the real value of Buddhism
only when one judges it by the result it produces in one's own life from day to
day. (Pr. Edward Conze, A Western Buddhist Scholar)
Buddhism Will Remain Unaffected
doctrines of Buddha Dhamma stand today, as unaffected by the march of time and
the expansion of knowledge as when they were first enunciated. No matter to what
lengths increased scientific knowledge can extend man's mental horizon, within
the frame work of the Dhamma there is room for the acceptance and assimilation
of further discovery. It does not rely for its appeal upon limited concepts of
primitive minds nor for its power upon the negation of thought. (Francis Story,
"Buddhism as a World Religion")
Pleasure in Good and Not to Pleasure
in Evil
Every doctrine of which you can say that it leads to freedom from passion
and not to passion; to independence and not to obligation; to a reduction and
not to increase of worldly gain; to performance and not to indolence; to pleasure
in good and not to pleasure in evil; of such . doctrine you can see positively
that this is the rule, this is the teaching. this is the master's message. (Dr.
Edward Conze, "Buddhism")
Philosophic Thought
Buddhism is the
highest expression of philosophic thought. The highest spiritual conceptions are
to he found therein.(Prof. Max Muller)
The Most Philosophical of All Religions
seems to me the most philosophical of all religions. Can also say that some of
my metaphysical convictions are in conformity with Buddhist ideas specially with
regard to the idea of the unity of all living beings. Buddhism and Christianity
have many similarities, and there is no reason for mutual enmity, but the idea
of the unity of all living beings comes more into a prominence in Buddhism.(Prof.
Hans Driesch, A German Philosopher)
A Religion of Philosophy Is Needed Today
is needed in the world today is a religion of philosophy which will provide chart
and compass for the spiritual voyage; one that will serve as a basis for conduct,
yet no attempt to restrict the adventurous mind of man within the prison walls
of superstition and mythology. The need can be filled in all its requisites by
a proper understanding of Buddha-Dhamma, because Lord Buddha fostered the spirit
of enquiry in the minds of His disciples by His frequent exhortations to accept
nothing on authority, even His own, but to seek inwardly along the lines He prescribed,
and to test every proposition by the principles of rationalism or right thinking.
(Francis Story, "Buddhism as World Religion")
A religion which Influenced
"How a religion which taught the annihilation of all existence.
of all individuality and personality as the highest object of all human beings,
and how, at the same time, by enforcing the duties of morality, justice, kindness,
and self-sacrifice, it could have exercised a decidedly beneficial influence not
only on the natives of India, but on the lowest barbarians, is a riddle which
no one has been able to solve."(Prof. Max Muller)
The Moral Teaching
is not too much to say that almost the whole of the moral teachings of the Gospels
as distinct from the dogmatic teaching will be found in Buddhist writings several
centuries older than the Gospels."(Prof. Rhys Davids)
Turning Point in
the Religious History
Never in the history of the world had a scheme of salvation
been put forth so simple in its nature, so free from any super-human agency, so
independent of, so even antagonistic to the belief in God. Whether these be right
or wrong, it was a turning point in the religious history of man when a reformer
full of the most earnest moral purpose, and trained in all the intellectual culture
of his time, put forth deliberately, and with a knowledge of the opposing views,
in this life, in an inward change of heart, to be brought about by perseverance
in a mere system of self-culture and of self-control. (Prof. Rhys Davids)
Real Final Goal
The goal of most religions is either vague, ill-defined or
without appeal to the modern mind. Heaven and Hell, paradise and purgatory, are
the products of man's primitive past and served to account for mysteries which
could not be otherwise explained. None of these concepts occur in Buddhist philosophy.
Scientific discoveries and advancing knowledge are playing havoc with these legendary
beliefs. As these, and many other ideas, crumble before the onslaught of science,
we observe the astounding fact that the Dhamma, in spite of its ancient origin,
is being vindicated. We are finding, more and more. that the discoveries over
the last decade, were taught by the Buddha more than 25 centuries ago. This, however,
will not surprise those who understand the profound depth of the phenomena of
enlightenment, or that the Buddha when he attained it, had insight into the facts
of life which would naturally conform to the knowledge which science has unravelled.
The Buddha explained, in simple language, that if we fulfil the obligations of
morality, we would overcome the continual horror or rebirth. This morality is
the Noble Eightfold Path which leads to the end of greed, hatred and delusion.
This is the goal and we call it Nibbana. It is not a place where people go when
they die or a land Of departed spirits. It is a state of utter tranquillity of
the mind which we can enjoy in this life, leaving no conditions which will give
rise to a new birth. (Ven. A. Mahinda, A British Buddhist monk)
Salvation Under
It looks as if the whole universe moved under a common impulse to
a work of salvation under the auspices of Buddhism.(Prof. Sylvain Levi, French
Buddhist Scholar)
Individual Salvation
As I understand it, Buddhism is,
all throughout a doctrine of salvation for the individual; the idea of human collectivity
which has sinned and can be redeemed, is alien to it. Therefore it has no central
authority which claims the right of issuing orders or proclaiming dogmas binding
on all the Buddhists of the world. (Prof. Von Glasenapp, A German Philosopher)
without God
For the first time in the history of the world, Buddha pro- claimed
a salvation, which each man could gain for himself and by himself in this world
during this life, without the least help from a personal God or gods. He strongly
inculcated the doctrine of self-reliance, of purity, of courtesy, of enlightenment,
of peace and of universal love. He strongly urged the necessity of knowledge,
for without wisdom psychic insight could not he got in his life. (Prof. Eliot,
"Buddhism and Hinduism")
Buddha and the Salvation
It is not the
Buddha who delivers men, but he teaches them to deliver themselves, even a he
has delivered himself. They accept his teaching of the truth, not because it comes
from him, hut, because of personal conviction, aroused by his words, arises by
the light of their own spirit. (Dr. Oldenburg, A German Buddhist scholar)
The distinguishing characteristic of Buddhism was that it started
a new line, that it looked upon the deepest questions men have to solve from an
entirely different stand point. It swept away, from the field of its vision, the
whole of the great soul-theory which had hitherto completely filled and dominated
the minds of the superstitious and the thoughtful alike. For the first time in
the history of the world. it proclaimed a salvation which each man could gain
for himself and by himself, in this world, during this life, without even the
least reference to God, or to Gods, either great or small. Like the Upanishads,
it placed the first importance on knowledge; but it was no longer a knowledge
of God, it was a clear perception of the real nature, as they supposed it to be,
of men and things. And it added to the necessity of knowledge, the necessity of
purity. of courtesy, of uprightness, of peace, and of a universal love far-reaching,
grown great and beyond measure. (Prof. Rhys Davids, Hibbert lectures)
and Modern Science
"I have often said, and I shall say again and again,
that between Buddhism and modern Science there exists a close intellectual bond."
(Sir Edwin Arnold)
Buddhism Is a Combination of Speculative and Scientific
Philosophical conceptions are a product of two factors: one, inherited
religious and ethical conceptions; the other called the Scientific. Seen thus,
Buddhism is a combination of both speculative and scientific philosophy. It advocates
the Scientific Method and pursues that to a finality that may be called the Rationalistic.
In it are to be found answers to such question of interest as "What are mind
and matter? Of them which is of greater importance? Is the Universe moving towards
a goal? What is man's position? Is there living that is noble? It takes up where
science cannot lead because of the limitations of the latter's physical instruments.
Its conquests are those of the mind. (Bertrand Russell, "History of Western
Buddhism Copes with Science
If there is any religion that
would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.(Albert Einstein)
Spiritual Science
Buddhism is, on the contrary, a system of thought, a religion,
a spiritual science and a way of life, which is reasonable, practical and all-embracing.
For 2500 years it has satisfied the spiritual needs of nearly one-third of mankind.
It appeals to the West because it has no dogmas, satisfies the reason and the
heart alike, insists on self-reliance coupled with tolerance for other points
of view, embraces science, religion, philosophy, psychology, ethics and art, and
points to man alone as the creator of his present life and sole designer of his
destiny. (Christmas Humpreys)
Buddha's Views Confirmed by Science
the Buddha's views on phenomena are thus confirmed today by western science. For,
whatever our senses may say, the picture presented to us through physics of the
phenomenal world, is that there is no solidity, form or substance to be seen anywhere
in the universe, but merely a collection of forces in a perpetual state of flux,
a momentary arising and passing away'.
(Egerton C. Baptist, "Supreme Science
of the Buddha")
Buddhism Begins Where Science Ends
Science can give
no assurance herein. But Buddhism can meet the Atomic Challenge, because the supramundane
knowledge of Buddhism begins where science leaves off. And this is clear enough
to anyone who has made a study of Buddhism. For, through Buddhist Meditation.
the atomic constituents making up matter have been seen and felt, and the sorrow,
or unsatisfactoriness (or, Dukkha). of their 'arising and passing away' (dependent
on causes) has made itself with what we call a 'soul' or 'atma' -- the illusion
of Sakkayaditthi, as it is called in the Buddha's teaching. (Egerton C. Baptist,
"Supreme Science of the Buddha")
Riddle of Existence Can be Solved
alone says the feat can be performed. The riddle of Existence can be solved. Birth
can be stopped, - not by destroying matter universally, but by stopping the constituents
of matter coming together to provide a foundation for what we call phenomenal
manifestation. This is accomplished by stopping motion, not as scientists are
trying to do, from outside the atom or molecule, but from inside, - from within,
so to speak' It is a-splitting' of the atom in the Metaphysical sense. For, when
motion stops entirely, matter ceases to exist. That is the Buddhist view. And,
no phenomenal manifestation is possible (as this depends on the constituents of
matter in some form or other). (Egerton C. Baptist, "Supreme Science of the
Transiency of Electro-Magnetism
Here, then, is a beautiful
explanation of the puzzling harmony of the Cosmos without recourse to a mysterious
unknown God. The Buddha encompassed both gravitational and electro-magnetism in
His Doctrine of Anicca -- Transiency. (Egerton C. Baptist, "Supreme Science
of the Buddha")
Cause and Effect
Man reaps the results of causes he
has put in motion in the past. His sense of ethical values is derived from the
knowledge, clear in some, obscure in others but present to some degree in nearly
all human beings, that there is an actual fact a retributive and compensatory
at work in nature. The theist attributes it to God; but the Buddhist, seeing no
evidence for the existence of a creator in a universe which is indifferent to
suffering, seeks no further than the natural law of cause and effect. (Francis
Miracle Is Not Demonstration of Truth
Science today is far from denying
the possibility of miracles, as it once did: but the view of most scientific minds
is that what are known as miracles are but manifestations of laws as yet known.
Lord Buddha Himself expounded this view: to Him miracles were not in themselves
to be regarded as demonstration of truth, but showed only a mastery of little-known
powers that may be developed by the Yogin, whatever his views. There were no proofs
that their possessor was an enlightened being. This being so, He not only taught
His followers to be wary in the exercise of any miraculous powers they might acquire.
but also warned others not to be unduly impressed by such exhibitions. Thus, whereas
other religions exploit their miraculous element to the greatest possible extent,
with the intention of convincing the masses, Buddhism, treats all such things
as of very minor importance. (Francis Story, "Buddhism as World Religion")
Buddhism is hundred times more realistic than other religions. It
has entered upon the inheritance of objectively and cooly putting up with problems.
It came to life after several hundred years of philosophical development. The
notion of God is done away with as soon as it appears. Prayer is out of the question.
So is asceticism. No categorical imperative. No coercion at all, not even within
the monastic community. Hence it also does not challenge to tight against those
of different faiths. Its teaching turns against nothing so impressively as against
the feeling of revengefulness. animosity and resentment.(Friedrich Nietzche, A
German Philosopher)
Nothing to Surpass Buddhism
"Buddhist or not Buddhist,
I have examined every one of the great religious systems of the world, and in
none of them have I found anything to surpass. in beauty and comprehensiveness.
the Noble Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths of the Buddha. I am content
to shape my life according to that Path" (Prof. Rhys Davids)
A Cosmic
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend
a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the
spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience
of all things, natural and spiritual -- as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers
this description. (Albert Einstein)
Salvation for All Beings
One deep divergence
must be named. The Buddhist scheme proclaims the ultimate salvation of all beings.
Christianity in its most wide-spread historic forms still condemns an uncounted
number to endless torment and unceasing sin. (J.E. Carpenter, "Buddhism and
Difference between Buddhism and Christianity
So far
we have found the following difference between Buddhism and Christianity: Christianity,
from its very start, was a movement of faith appealing to the masses: and only
when it won over the upper classes, a Christian philosophy evolved. Buddhism,
however, was in its beginning, a philosophical teaching of deliverance. Its adherents
were mainly from the classes of noble-men and warriors and of the wealthy middle-class,
with a few Brahmins. (Prof. H. Von Glasenapp)
Buddhist Idea of Sin
Its idea
of sin differs somewhat from the Christian idea. Sin to the Buddhist is mere ignorance
or stupidity. The wicked man is an ignorant man. He doesn't need punishment and
condemnation so much as he needs instruction. He is not regarded as 'violating
God's commands' or as one who must beg for divine mercy and forgiveness. Rather
it is necessary for the sinner's friends to make him reason in the human way.
The Buddhist does not believe the sinner can escape the consequences in prayerful
attempts to bargain with God. (John Walters, "Mind Unshaken")
of Suffering
Christians talk about the "mystery" of suffering. It
is no mystery to the Buddhist. He believes that suffering is caused by craving
that can never be satisfied. In his ignorance the non- Buddhist is like a baby
who cries because he can't be given the moon. The non-Buddhist won't resign himself
to the fact that it is impossible to have the moon. (John Walters, "Mind
Gods Need Salvation
"For the first time in human history
the Buddha admonished, entreated and appealed to people not to hurt a living being,
not to offer prayer or praise or sacrifice to gods. With all the eloquence at
his command the exalted one vehemently proclaimed that gods are also in dire need
of salvation themselves." (Prof. Rhys Davids)
Man's Mind Turned Away from
God's World to Himself
"In the hymns of Rig-Veda we see man's thought
turned outwards away from himself~to the world of gods. Buddhism directed man's
search inwards -- to the potentiality hidden within himself. In the Veda we find
prayer and praise and worship. In the Buddhist books we find meditation, mind
training by our own strenuous efforts."(R.J. Jackson)
Challenge to Other
It is Buddhism as we find it actually recorded, not a hypothetical
primitive system, which still forms a challenge to other religions.(Bishop Gore,
"The Buddha and the Christ.")
The Most Perfect Religion
As a student
of comparative religions, I believe that Buddhism is the most perfect one the
world has ever seen. The philosophy of the Buddha, the theory of evolution and
the law of Karma were far superior to any other creed.(Prof. Karl Gustay Jung,
a leading psychologist)
Spirit of Investigation
Among the great founders
of religions, it was the Buddha alone, who encouraged the spirit of investigation
in his followers and warned them, not to accept his teaching with blind faith.
Therefore it is not exaggeration to say that Buddhism is the only world religion
that can be called modern. (Madam A. David Neel, a French Buddhist Scholar)
"Buddhist, in fact, is the adult among religionists, all the
others are children with respect to their God, who beg just as children. The Buddhist
is the only one who seeks the truth, regardless of aught else." (Dr. Paul
Dahlke, a German Buddhist Philosopher)
Religion for Spiritual Aspiration
who regard Buddhism as unsuitable for European conditions forget the Asiatic origin
of their own religion, and of all religions for that matter. A religion is an
organisation of spiritual aspirations, which reject the sensory world and negate
the impulses which bind us to it. (Dr. Edward Conze, "Buddhism")
the great religions of history I prefer Buddhism, especially in its earliest forms,
because it has had the smallest element of persecution." (Bertrand Russell)
Is Not an Enemy of Other Religions
Buddhism is not an enemy of other religions,
as atheism is believed to be Buddhism indeed is the enemy of none. A Buddhist
will recognize and appreciate whatever ethical, spiritual values have been created
by God-belief in its long and checkered history. We cannot, however, close our
eyes to the fact that the God-concept has served too often as a cloak for man's
will to power and the reckless and cruel use of that power, thus adding considerably
to the ample measure of misery in this world supposed to be an all-loving God's
creation. For centuries, free thought and free research. and the expression of
any dissident views have been obstructed and stifled in the alleged service of
God. And alas, these and other negative features are not yet entirely things of
the past. (Ven. Nanaponika, A German Buddhist Scholar)
pacifism finds its completest expression in the teachings of Buddha, Buddhism
like Hinduism, teaches Ahimsa, or harmlessness, towards all living beings. It
forbids even laymen to have anything to do with the manufacture and sale of arms,
with making of poisons and intoxicants, with soldiering or the slaughter of animals.
Alone of all the great world religions, Buddhism made its way without persecution,
censorship or inquisition. In all those respects its record is enormously superior
to other religions, which made its way among people addicted to militarism. (Aldous
Huxley, "Ends and Means")
Precepts Are Not Commandments
The Buddhist
precepts are not commandments in the Christian sense. There is no divine law-giver
who raises a threatening finger from behind the clouds. Those precepts are self-given
rules of conduct, which the individual voluntarily accepts and endeavours to keep;
not to please a God, but for bringing himself morally into conformity with the
results of his thinking. (Dr. Paul Dahlke)
Man Who Achieved a Great Victory
of the first scholars to begin the work of translating the Pali Literature into
English, was the son of a well-known clergyman. His object in undertaking the
work was to prove the superiority of Christianity Over Buddhism. He failed in
this task but he achieved a greater victory than he expected. He became a Buddhist.
We must never forget the happy chance which prompted him to undertake this work
and thereby make the precious Dhamma available to thousands in the West. The name
of this great scholar was Dr. Rhys Davids. (Ven. A. Mahinda, "Blue Print
of Happiness")