in the world is excellent practice.
A young physician went to a Zen Master
and asked to be taught Zen. "Zen is not such a difficult practice,"
said the Master. you are a physician, treat your patients with kindness, that
is Zen. " The physician visited the Master three times, but on each occasion
he was told the same thing. The Master said, " a physician should not waste
his time here, go home and look after your patients." It was not clear how
such a teaching could remove the doubts and confusion about life that the physician
had, and so on the fourth visit he complained to the Master. The Master smiled
and said, "Perhaps 1 have been too hard on you. 1 will give you a meditation
to practice. " He instructed the physician in Insight meditation. The physician
practised this form of meditation each day for two years. At length he thought
he had attained clarity of mind, but the Master commented, "you are not there
yet." The physician continued to practice. In time his mind became calm and
balanced. Problems and doubt dissolved. Emptiness became the Truth. He served
his patients well and without ever knowing it, became free from the concern over
life and death. The next time he visited the Master, the Master simply smiled.
is a recurrent theme of mine that spiritual life is ordinary life. There is no
separation between the two. To progres in spiritual understanding there is no
need to renounce the world, to give up the ordinary things of life and lock yourself
away in a cave or a monastery. To cut yourself off from the world. There is no
requirement to become a monk or a nun or a recluse. Living in the world is excellent
practice. For many years I worked in a factory alongside six hundred others. Factory
life is difficult for many people, and does seem to encourage the lowest aspects
of mind. It is the same with all work that seems pointless and empty. Pettiness,
mental dullness and irritation are common. So is back biting, tale bearing and
gossip. However, these are the things that fill the day, and break the most overpowering
mental state of all, that of boredom. Boredom with the work, boredom with the
people, and boredom with life. I rarely met people enthusiastic about their job.
To find yourself in a situation like this can be very testing, soul destroying
in fact, but in spiritual training we must remember that everything depends upon
attitude. If you are doing something you don't want to do, then everything connected
with it becomes a drudge. Having to work in such conditions can seem like a prison
sentence, but if you see this as an opportunity to train and develop, then everything
changes for you. No more drudge, just the chance to practice. When things go well,
there is the moment for you to see your mind and watch your reactions. When things
do not go well, there is the same opportunity. It all depends on attitude. Do
you see this as the chance to practice or not? If you say yes, there are no more
problems for you. Everything changes. However, if you say no, right there in that
answer, is the arising of unhappiness. Unhappiness begins in the mind of the person
who always wants everything to go his, or her own way. 1 was very fortunate in
my time at the factory. I would begin each day with meditation, go to work, meditate
at lunch time, continue work, go home and meditate again. I had formal meditation
and working meditation. What an opportunity to practice. Being with so many people,
all very different to me, was the chance to watch myself. To watch my mind. On
reflection I value my time at the factory very much. I learnt a lot about myself,
my ego and how it manifests, and most importantly, how to surrender. When there
is no choice, the only thing to do is surrender, to be open and learn. We cannot
always choose the conditions we live under. No matter how hard we try, we are
not able to make everything perfect according to our desires, and as long as we
attempt to do this, we will suffer. Look at the world. Look how everyone follows
this path, and look at the results when they fail. Misery, anger and unhappiness.
From the position of practice, everything is perfect just as it is. There are
no special conditions we have to create. Nothing special we have to do. Whether
we work in a factory, a shop, an office, or stay at home and look after the house
and family, right there are the perfect conditions for practice. There is nothing
outside your mind and body, and so nothing is outside your practice. Let go of
the desire to make everything the way you think it should be, and be with things
as they are. Look at your rnind, your feelings, your reactions, and there is your
practice. Learn to be open and accepting. This is the practice of the enlightened
mind. The free mind. Choosing one thing over another is the foundation of unhappiness.
Let go of choice and be with what is. In life we all have to experience many different
conditions, some good, some not so good, some downright painful. All of us are
subject to the whole range of human emotions and feelings. It is the same for
everyone. Pleasure and pain arise endlessly, and as long as we are attached to
one over the other, we will suffer. One Zen Master has said, 'The Way is simple,
it just means giving up picking and choosing.' Usually we would all prefer pleasant
bodily sensation to unpleasant bodily sensation, pain, but the story of the meditation
teacher in hospital might help us let go even of this choice. He had awoken at
home in the early morning with severe pain in his abdomen. This became increasingly
worse as the morning progressed, and finally a doctor was called. The doctor suspected
kidney stones, and so sent him to hospital for an examination. Once in the hospital,
still waiting to be seen, and the pain intensifying each minute, the meditation
teacher, in a moment of desperation, heard himself exclaim, 'Jesus Christ, take
this pain away.' Then, from somewhere in the back of his mind a voice replied,
'Take it away, I've only just given it to you.' Everything is the opportunity
to practice, the painful experiences as well as the pleasant. Learn to look at
your life as a gift, the chance to attain full enlightenment. The end of all your
suffering and unhappiness, and cultivate a mind that will use every possible opportunity
to achieve it.