You will come back
conversation about Reincarnation and Karma
by F. E. Goold
New revised edition
Toronto , On. Canada
First Printing 1958, Second Printing 1959, Third Printing
1960, New Revised Edition 1964
If a man will begin with certainties, he shall
end in doubts;
but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end
in certainties.
- Francis Bacon.
Mr. Asketh: I have been studying the
Christian faith more seriously of late than I have ever done before, and I have
raised doubts on several points. Have you read 'Mere Christianity', by C. S. Lewis,
and 'Christian Faith Today', by Bishop Stephen Neill?
Student: Yes, I know
both of them. Are those the books you're reading?
Mr. A.: Those, and Bishop
Robinson's controversial 'Honest to God', along with several other books including
the Bible. But somehow the things that bother me most I find aren't dealt with
in any of these books.
Student: What, for instance?
Mr. A.: Well, it seems
to be assumed that we're born once and then, hopefully, we live forever. I'm beginning
to wonder about that and to question whether it is true.
Student: What's the
matter with it?
Mr. A .: I think it is absurd to say that souls are created
at a point in time, then survive the death of the physical body and go on living
forever. It's illogical and unscientific to say that we survive the body but did
not pre-exist it. In other words, that you have a beginning, but no end!
Yes, I know what you mean. As one observes life, there seems to be a law of periodicity
operating. There's day and night, life and death, sleeping and waking, winter
and rebirth in spring, and the ebb and flow of the seas. If there is such a law
of the universe, it is by-passed in the one-life theory.
Mr. A.: Another thing
involved in the one-life theory which I don't think is logical is that one's destiny
forever is determined in seventy or even 100 years of earthly experience. Such
a short life span is utterly insignificant compared with the eternity the churchmen
talk about, or even that geologists and astronomers deal with. It seems to me
the be-ye-perfect command must take more than one lifetime to fulfil.
Yes, indeed. It would seem logical, wouldn't it, that it would take hundreds of
successive human existences. And that reminds me of the way Wordsworth puts it:
birth is but a sleep and a forgetting.
The soul that rises with us, our life's
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar .
in entire forgetfulness
And not in utter nakedness
But trailing clouds
of glory do we come
From God who is our home."
A point you might
consider in relation to this one-life theory is that from the days of Jesus, there
was the division of His teaching into two parts - the revealed and the unrevealed,
the Mysteries for the disciples, given in secret and apart, and the Parables for
the multitude. The Bible is clear on that: "Unto you it is given to know
the mystery of the Kingdom of God, but unto them that are without, all these things
are done in parables." That's St. Mark. Then again, we find Jesus saying
to His disciples, "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet."
Mr. A.: Although those words are so familiar, I have never known any emphasis
to be placed on the existence of a hidden teaching. Do you think this has real
Student: Yes, I'm sure of it. Read Wm. Kingsland's book, 'The
Gnosis or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures'. This whole work deals with
esoteric Christianity which, like other religions, had its secret teaching which
was confined to the few. Kingsland says (p. 26, Gnosis)
" There always
has been and there always must be an exoteric doctrine for the masses, and esoteric
teaching for those who - as Plotinus says 'are fortunately able to perceive it.'
Clement of Alexandria, one of the early Church Fathers, is quoted as
"The Mysteries of the Faith are not to be divulged to all . .
. It is requisite to hide in a mystery the wisdom spoken."
Mr. A.: What
happened to this secret teaching?
Student: The inner, esoteric side of Christianity
was lost in the flood of ignorance which swept over Europe after the fall of the
Roman Empire. The crude interpretation - the teaching for the multitude - replaced
the spiritual truths originally known to the few. Some fragments survived, but
as a systematic teaching, it disappeared. As you know, the struggle between learning
and ignorance, knowledge and superstition has raged for centuries. What emerged
from this struggle is enough of original Christianity for the heart, but not nearly
enough to satisfy the inquiring intellect.
Mr. A.: Another teaching which
I don't understand or accept is the one about forgiveness of sins. How can you
square that with what St. Paul said in his sixth letter to the Galatians about
not being deceived, that God is not mocked: "For whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap."
Student: Actually, I don't think you can reconcile
the two. This is a universe of law, There'd be chaos if that weren't so. It is
the inviolability of law that alone makes science possible. Sir Edwin Arnold has
put it rather beautifully in 'The Light of Asia':
"Before beginning and
without an end,
As space eternal and as surety sure,
Is fixed a Power
Divine which moves to good,
Only its Laws endure . . . .
It knows not wrath
nor pardon; utter-true
Its measures mete, its faultless balance weighs;
are as nought, tomorrow it will judge,
Or after many days. . . .
Such is
the Law which moves to righteousness,
Which none at last can turn aside or
The heart of it is Love, the end of it
Is Peace and Consummation
sweet. Obey!"
Whether people consciously recognize them or not, these
laws exist. There they are! They operate, and it is we who reward or punish ourselves
according as we work in harmony with the laws of the universe, or are foolish
enough not to do so.
Mr. A .: St. Paul states very clearly that the individual
is responsible for his actions, and that makes sense to me.
Student: Of course,
what we are really discussing are the ancient teachings of reincarnation and karma.
Jesus and His disciples knew about them. Remember the saying of Jesus: "With
what measure you mete it shall be measured to you again." (St. Matthew 7:
2). I think you will agree that that is a stern statement, one which neither expresses
nor implies salvation by proxy or future mercy.
Reincarnation means rebirth,
and karma is the word for cause and effect. Karma is the law of consequences,
the universal law of unerring justice. Karma also means action, and ordinarily
an action is thought of as a separate isolated physical act. But it is much more
than that. It is all that led up to the act plus the results that follow it. That's
karma. The effect is inherent in the cause.
The Hebrew Scriptures abound in
statements about this law of consequences. The Psalmist recognized this law when
he declared "Unto Thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy; for Thou renderest to every
man according to his work." (Psalm 62: 12).
Mr. A.: One wonders why a
teaching so in harmony with law and common sense could be set aside. But could
we go back to reincarnation and talk about that first. Is there any reference
to it in the Bible?
Student: The truth about reincarnation was taken for granted
by Jesus and the Apostles as well as by people generally at that time. That would
be natural since the doctrine of rebirth was taught practically universally in
those days. All the Egyptian converts to Christianity, Church Fathers and others
believed in this doctrine, as is shown by the writings of several. You'll remember
that when Jesus came to the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples,
"Whom do men say that I the Son of Man am?" And they said: "Some
say thou art John the Baptist; some Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the
prophets." (St. Matthew 16: 13-14). Reincarnation is certainly implied there.
Mr. A.: Yes, and I've always been puzzled about that incident of the blind man.
You remember in St. John 9:3 the disciples asked Jesus who sinned - this man or
his parents that he was born blind. When could the man have sinned to have been
born blind?
Student: He couldn't have done so except in a former life. The
question itself is equivalent to saying that he had lived and sinned before being
born blind. That story is one of the best examples of the disciples and Jesus
taking the truth of reincarnation and of karma for granted. Another striking allusion
to rebirth is in Matthew 11: 14 where Jesus said of John the Baptist, "And
if ye will receive it, this is Elias (Elijah) which was for to come." This
statement by Jesus is also repeated in Mark's gospel, 9: 11-13.
Mr. A.: You're
saying then that reincarnation was part of early Christianity? Is that right?
Student: Yes, certainly. Up until the sixth century.
Mr. A .: What happened
then? How did it become lost to us?
Student: It was expurgated, declared heretical
by the Second Council of Constantinople in A.D. 553. This assembly was in reality
only the last phase of the violent ten-year conflict inaugurated by the edict
of the Roman Emperor Justinian in A.D. 543 against the teachings of the Church
Father Origen. Justinian had assumed the headship of the Church. "Imperial
edicts regulated public worship, directed ecclesiastical discipline, and even
dictated theological doctrines. The Church had to submit for a time to 'Caesaro-papism',
a papacy of the Emperor.", ('The Story of the Faith', p. 178, by Rev. Wm.
Alva Gifford).
According to The Catholic Encyclopedia (Volumes. IV & XI)
this Second Council of Constantinople, having been called by Justinian, was attended
by very few bishops and was presided over by Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople.
Though Pope Vigilius was in Constantinople, he refused to attend.
of who made up this Second Council, it declared the teaching of the Church Father
Origen in regard to the nature and destiny of the soul to be heretical and that
declaration has had far-reaching effects. What Origen said, in part, was this
"Is it not more in conformity with reason that every soul for certain mysterious
reasons is introduced into a body, and introduced according to its deserts and
former actions."
Mr. A.: Tell me about this man. Was he the only Church
Father who taught this doctrine?
Student: By no means. But Origen was undoubtedly
the most outstanding of many who believed and taught as he did. About the man:
by race, he was an Egyptian, a Copt, born at Alexandria, 185 A.D., of Christian
parents. His father, Leonides, was a man of piety and culture and under his tutelage
the precocious boy was educated in the various branches of Grecian learning. As
a man, Origen's character was singularly pure and noble and his moral qualities
were as remarkable as his intellectual gifts. He belonged to the Alexandrian School
of Platonists and was a pupil of Ammonius Saccas who became one of the greatest
philosophers of Alexandria. Origen was a most devout Christian; St. Gregory of
Nyssa called him "the prince of Christian learning in the third century."
Origen wrote voluminously; his 'De Principiis' (On First Principles) and other
works are available in English as part of the Ante-Nicene Christian Library.
Mr. A.: And you say it was the teaching of this brilliant man that was banned?
Student: Yes, though actually, the teaching was never intelligently met and disproved.
It was summarily ousted as incompatible with the weight of prejudice brought against
it. In this connection, it is useful to know what 'The Catholic Encyclopedia'
(Vol. X, pp. 236-7) says under the heading "Metempsychosis."
the face of a belief at first sight so far fetched and yet at the same time so
widely diffused, we are led to anticipate some great general causes which have
worked together to produce it. A few such causes may be mentioned:
(1) The
practically universal conviction that the soul is a real entity distinct from
the body and that it survives death;
(2) connected with this, there is the
imperative moral demand for an equitable future retribution of rewards and punishments
in accordance with good or ill conduct here. The doctrine of transmigration satisfies
in some degree both these virtually instinctive faiths.
(3) As mentioned
above, it offers a plausible explanation of the phenomena of heredity.
It also provides an explanation of some features of the infra-rational creation
which seems to ape in so many points the good and evil qualities of human nature.
It appears a natural account of such phenomena to say that these creatures are,
in fact, nothing else than embodiments of the human characters which they typify.
The world thus seems to become, through and through, moral and human. Indeed,
where the belief in a personal Providence is unfamiliar or but feebly grasped,
some form of metempsychosis, understood as a kind of ethical evolutionary process
is almost a necessary makeshift."
(The words metempsychosis and transmigration
are generally misunderstood. Pre-existence, rebirth, reincarnation, are better
terms to describe this ancient teaching).
The teaching of reincarnation has
never been lost to any but exoteric Christianity. It has always been available
to the seekers. Most of the human race lives by this teaching of rebirth, and
hundreds of volumes in English and many other languages deal with it. But having
been banned by the Second Council, this great truth has been neglected for centuries.
However, it is coming back to the Christian world.
Mr. A.: But why, in heaven's
name, should this teaching have been banned?
Student: It's fairly easy to
see. To admit the teachings of reincarnation and karma is quite incompatible with
ecclesiastical Christianity. What becomes of intermediaries if you are responsible?
If you unfold your God-given nature life after life, who can help you - except
as Jesus and other great teachers always help, by pointing the way? But you, the
individual must travel the way. It is not possible to abdicate responsibility
in favour of any intermediary whatsoever. Men are fallible, in spite of their
claims to be otherwise. Fallible men placed in positions of authority are responsible
for much that has gone wrong, not only in Christianity, but in the affairs of
the world generally. If you want the history of Christianity, you cannot do better
than read 'The Story of the Faith', and 'The Seekers', both by the late Dr. William
Alva Gifford.
Mr. A.: Most histories of religion are pretty stuffy!
These aren't. Dr. Gifford was Professor Emeritus of Church History and the History
of Religions of the United Theological College in Montreal, and his books are
a readable and priceless instruction. In 'The Seekers', the shorter of the two
books, he begins with Neanderthal Man, to remind us that Christianity is a very
late episode in the life of mankind. He sketches the religious quests of ancient
peoples, and then deals with the history of Christianity. He says:
Christian theology never could have arisen except for two things: It gathered
about a historic Figure . . . and it developed in an intellectual vacuum. The
collapse of the Roman Empire and the slow emergence into civilization of its heirs
in western Europe, the Germanic nations, gave Christian orthodoxy nearly a thousand
years in which to establish itself. It never could have risen in a more enlightened
society; it will not forever survive free enquiry."
Dr. Gifford says
"The times are critical. We live, as did the first Christians,
at the end of an era, and the Church is entering the new age in an extremely difficult
position . . . The historic credentials of most Christian dogmas are quite inadequate,
and neither Catholic authoritarianism nor Protestant evasion avails any longer
to hold enlightened minds to them. More serious now than the differences between
Roman and Protestant Christianity is the indifference of enlightened minds to
Many present-day so-called Christian teachings bear little if
any relation to Jesus' original message. They have been pieced together through
the centuries, like a mosaic.
Mr. A.: To come back to reincarnation, what
would you say are the main arguments in favour of it, and against it?
To take the negative side first: The leading objection seems to be that we have
no memory of our past lives. The second objection revolves around the apparent
injustice that man suffers for actions he is not conscious of having committed.
The third has to do with heredity, the relations of the parents to the child;
and the fourth objection is that the idea of returning to earth again and again
is unwelcome to some people.
Mr. A.: Could I interrupt right there to ask
whether one has any choice about returning?
Student: You have no choice. You
will come back.
Mr. A.: Assuming that I have lived before, why don't I remember
my past lives?
Student: You do. Character itself is memory. It is the cumulative
distilled essence of your previous experience. Successive bodily lives are linked
together like pearls on a cord, the cord being the soul, and the pearls the separate
human lives.
Except under hypnosis, you probably could not possibly say what
you did exactly ten or twenty years ago today, but you're quite sure you lived.
You are a candid, honourable man, but you know there are liars, thieves and murderers
at large. You have learned - by precept, example or experience - in past incarnations
that dishonesty is base and murder a violation of the law of life. So this time
you were born with this knowledge innate, as part of your total character. Dominant
tendencies and the resolute following of any line of thought and action reappear
as innate qualities. The liars, the thieves and the murderers still have to achieve
these lessons. The whole of life is a learning process.
Genius also is memory
- cumulative memory. H. P. Blavatsky, in 'The Voice of the Silence', says: "Genius
is without exception a talent or aptitude brought from another birth." What
else explains a Mozart touring Europe at the age of six?
The arguments for
reincarnation are quite conclusive:
1. The whole idea of Immortality demands
it. It is unthinkable that from infinitude the soul enters this world for its
first and only physical experience, and then shoots off to some endless spiritual
2. Analogy strongly favours reincarnation. The old Hermetic saying
"As above, so below" indicates that analogy formed part of the study
of life and death in ancient Egypt and Greece. Everything in the world follows
analogy. Man is the microcosm of the universe. Analogy is the first key to world
problems. It is the guiding law in nature.
3. Science confirms the basic laws
governing reincarnation. Nothing is created; nothing is destroyed.
4. The unfoldment
of the powers of the soul requires rebirth as the method of development.
Reincarnation provides a complete answer to the most perplexing problem of theology
- "original sin". This Gordian knot cannot possibly be untied by the
one-life theory.
6. Reincarnation explains many curious experiences. 'The Case
for Reincarnation', by the Rev. Leslie D. Weatherhead, gives arresting evidence
on this point.
7. Reincarnation alone explains the injustice and misery that
pervade the world. It also explains the joy.
Mr. A.: Supposing I ask "What
am I, what is it that reincarnates?" can I get a satisfying answer?
Yes. Paul is direct in his statement:
" Know ye not that ye are the temple
of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? . . . the temple of God is
holy, which temple ye are."
To use one of the oldest of similes, you
are a spark of the Divine Fire, a ray of the "Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless
and Immutable Principle on which all speculation is impossible, since it transcends
the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression
or similitude. It is beyond the range and reach of thought . . . unthinkable and
Mr. A.: Does that explain the hunger so deeply hidden
within each of us? The Psalms retell it again and again.
Student: I think
so. It is "the inexpressible yearning of the inner man to go out into the
Mr. A.: It seems to me we need much more specific information
about our divine nature, and. instructions about how to uncover it, how to know
our real selves.
Student: That sort of thing is part of the esoteric or hidden
part of Christianity, the Mysteries of the Faith, and of other religions also.
The lost keys, reincarnation and karma, and other instructions must be sought
by individual students like yourself.
They are available, particularly in the
writings of H. P. Blavatsky and Wm. Q. Judge.
Mr. A.: Of course, you might
say, what good are instructions if people are indifferent to them? Take "Love
thy neighbour as thyself." That's a straightforward command, but do we love
our neighbour? We don't love him, we exploit him, and call it good business.
Student: But there are those who do love their neighbours, who do question and
look for answers, as you are doing. Today, with the advance of science, a religion
which fails to teach about the nature of the universe and the nature of man will
certainly fail to attract men and women who are intellectually and spiritually
awakened. One day these students will discover the statement of the greatest of
the nineteenth century spiritual teachers, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:
world needs no sectarian church, whether of Buddha, Jesus, Mahomet, Swedenborg,
Calvin, or any other. There being but one Truth, man requires but one church,
the Temple of God within us, walled in by matter, but penetrable by anyone who
can find the way." - 'Isis Unveiled', Volume 2, page 635.
Mr. A.: To
find the way! That is not easy. Where does one look, and where does faith come
in? Don't we have to take on faith what we cannot prove?
Student: Yes, of
course. Most of what each of us calls "religion" is what we believe.
Except for the mystics of all nations and all religions - who have had first-hand
experience of Deity - most of us can only say that we believe certain things.
We know very little. But modern men and women need a much more adequate working
hypothesis than is now provided in orthodox, exoteric Christianity. This is found
in reincarnation and karma. These teachings fill a great gap in Christianity.
They were once part of Christian teaching and they should be brought back into
it. In this connection, it is well to heed the words of an ancient philosopher
who said:
"Never utter these words:
'I do not know this - therefore
it is false.'
One must study to know,
Know to understand,
to judge."
- 'Isis Unveiled' , Volume 1, page 638.
Mr. A.: Does returning
life after life mean that it was we who formed the civilizations of the past?
Student: Who else? What but reincarnation explains the rise and fall of civilizations
through the incarnation therein of advanced men and women and their subsequent
departure to other races and continents?
Mr. A.: Look at what is happening
here in America now! People are pouring into this continent from every corner
of the globe.
Student: Eventually they will be developed into a great new
race through the process of reincarnation. America has a long future stretching
ahead thousands upon thousands of years when we shall have become much more mature
than we are now.
Mr. A.: That's an encouraging thought!
Student: That
isn't all that's encouraging. Rebirth is the method of evolution. It is the process
by which Nature progressively unfolds the limitless capacities latent in all forms
of life, including human beings.
If you want to learn about this, read Wm.
Q. Judge's book, The Ocean of Theosophy. It has only 153 pages and four of its
seventeen chapters deal with reincarnation and karma. The rest of the book outlines
the major doctrines of occult philosophy. Mr. Judge has a genius for direct, simple
statement. 'The Ocean' first appeared as a series of newspaper articles but it
has been so popular that it has gone through seventeen editions in English alone.
Mr. A.: What was Mr. Judge's connection with Madame Blavatsky?
Student: He
was Co-Founder with her of the first Theosophical Society established in New York
City on Nov. 17, 1875. And, while we are on the subject of origins, let me say
that it is important to distinguish between the original literature of Theosophy
and all later works called "theosophical." Although no special authority
attaches to any theosophical book because of its authorship, the writings of these
two are "authoritative" in the sense that inquirers who wish to know
what Theosophy teaches will find it in pure form in the works of H. P. Blavatsky
and William Q. Judge.
Mr. A.: In view of the fact that reincarnation was blotted
out of "official" Christianity for so many centuries, one wonders how
men and women have managed without it.
Student: Many of them re-discovered
it just as you are doing. One of the most profound statements in the Bible is
"Knock and it shall be opened unto you, seek and ye shall find."
Mr. A.: Do the poets and philosophers have anything to say about reincarnation?
Student: They certainly do. The Poet Laureate of England, John Masefield, begins
his poem "My Creed" thus:
"I hold that when a person dies,
soul returns again to earth
Arrayed in some new flesh disguise,
mother gives him birth.
With sturdier limbs and brighter brain,
The old
soul takes the road again."
And then there is the famous epitaph of Benjamin
The Body
Like the cover
of an old book,
Its contents worn out,
And stripped of its lettering and
Lies here, food for worms.
But the work shall not be lost,
it will, as he believed, appear once more,
In a new and more elegant edition
Revised and corrected
The Author.
Those are only two quotations
from more than 400 Western thinkers quoted in 'Reincarnation - An East-West Anthology'.
In 350 pages, that volume demonstrates the rebirth idea to be a very real part
of our Western heritage, from ancient Greece and Egypt right down to modern times.
One of the most striking statements, to my mind, is Thoreau's:
"I lived
in Judea eighteen-hundred years ago but I never knew that there was such a one
as Christ among my contemporaries . . . And Hawthorne, too, I remember as one
with whom I sauntered in old heroic times along the banks of the Scamander amid
the ruins of chariots and heroes . . . As the stars looked to me when I was a
shepherd in Assyria, they look to me now a New Englander . . . As far back as
I can remember I have unconsciously referred to the experiences of a previous
state of existence."
Thomas Edison said the only survival he could conceive
of was to start a new earth-cycle again; and Henry Ford found that reincarnation
put his mind at ease. "When I discovered reincarnation, it was as if I had
found a universal plan. I realized that there was a chance to work out my ideas;
I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock."
And then there's
David Lloyd George, Great Britain's Prime Minister during World War I (1916-22).
He said the conventional heaven with its angels perpetually singing, etc. nearly
drove him mad and made him an atheist for ten years. The 'Anthology' quotes him
as saying: "My opinion is that we shall be reincarnated."
That famous
Methodist theologian referred to earlier, the Rev. Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead,
C.B.E., now Minister Emeritus of The City Temple, London, England, is quoted at
some length in the 'Anthology' from a lecture delivered to the City Temple Literary
Society, under the title, 'The Case for Reincarnation'. This, the Opening Lecture
of his 21st year as President of that Society, is available in booklet form. In
it, he very sensibly asks "How can a world progress in inner things . . .
if the birth of every new generation fills the world with unregenerate souls full
of original sin? There can never be a perfect world unless gradually those born
into it can take advantage of lessons learned in earlier lives instead of starting
at scratch."
Mr. A.: I wonder what effect it would have on people if
these teachings of reincarnation and karma were taken seriously by a large number
of people.
Student: But they are taken seriously by a large number of people.
Two-thirds of the human race believe in reincarnation. It is the materialistic
Christian West that put it aside.
The East never lost it.
Mr. A.: Come
to think of it, in 'Christian Faith Today', Bishop Neill testifies to "the
determinative influence" in Indian history over more than 2,000 years of
these doctrines of reincarnation and karma. But even having these teachings, the
East hasn't produced an ideal civilization according to my way of thinking.
Student: I agree, they haven't. In contrast to Christianity which ruled out reincarnation,
Hinduism and Buddhism kept it, but in the course of time the original teachings
of the great Upanishads were perverted or misapplied. Here, for example, is a
quotation from the Kathopanishad:
"The pilgrim is not born, nor dies
he ever . . . Unborn, eternal, ever-lasting, ancient, unslain, he remains though
the body be slain . . . The Self must be known on earth. The idea that a man who
is ignorant of the truth here, may entirely reach it after death is guarded against;
even in the highest world it is still as light and shadow compared to the perfect
light of reality."
We need to make a sharp distinction between the philosophy
of reincarnation and those religious interpretations of it which place the emphasis
on other-worldly consummations. Hinduism and Buddhism emphasize Nirvana as the
goal; Christianity talks about heaven. In all these cases one more or less endures
life in a physical body here on earth, as a kind of purgatory.
Mr. A .: I
can't see that there is any psychological difference between the goal of a Hindu
or Buddhist devotee and the goal of a Christian.
Student: What we've been
saying is that when religious interpretation takes over, the philosophy of reincarnation
and its central message is lost. Listen to the Upanishads again:
can only be known by one in the human state of existence . . .
This knowledge
must be attained here in the body."
And remember how beautifully Tagore
translated Kabir's Song:
"If your bonds be not broken whilst living,
what hope of deliverance in death?"
In a footnote on p. 459, Vol. I,
'The Secret Doctrine', Madame Blavatsky says: "To live as a plant, the seed
must die. To live as a conscious entity in the Eternity, the passions and senses
of man must first DIE before his body does." "Death is not the great
informer or producer of knowledge," to quote Wm. Q. Judge. "It is only
the great curtain on the stage, to be rung up next instant. Complete knowledge
must be attained in the triune man: body, soul and spirit. When that is obtained,
then he passes on to other spheres, which to us are unknown and are endless. By
living as long as one can, one gives the Self that longer chance."
A.: What I would like to get hold of is the central message of reincarnation you
spoke of earlier .
Student: Very good: Here it is: Reality is to be experienced
here not somewhere else. Your opportunity is NOW, not later. This is the essentially
theosophical view of reincarnation. And it is also the inner, esoteric meaning
of the Upanishads, and of Jesus and of Paul the Initiate. We must not confuse
the Nirvana of the Hindus and Buddhists and the heaven of Christianity, with the
infinite opportunity and continuity ad infinitum which is the true inner teaching.
Have I made this clear?
Mr. A.: Yes. I think you have. The horizon recedes.
Along with the teaching that what man sows, man will surely reap, it seems to
me this broad conception of gradual attainment through rebirth would have a most
sobering effect on people.
Student: Not just sobering! There is hope as well,
a great deal of hope. Character is the spiritual fabric woven by evolution. It
is the only thing we take with us through the portal of death, and it is what
we bring back with us as our heritage from the past when we return to incarnation.
Reincarnation and karma are the hidden core of the gospel of Jesus. One does well
to refrain from confusing Christianity with the religion of Jesus. They are not
identical, inasmuch as Christianity is split up into over 300 different sects,
whereas Jesus had but one doctrine; He gave forth once again the old doctrine
taught to Him by the ancient theosophists of whom He was a disciple.
Mr. A.:
I still have a good many unanswered questions.
Student: That's understandable,
but if people ask questions in sincerity, they usually find the answers. We've
been talking about just two of the fundamental teachings but their study opens
upon the road that leads to the heart of the universe. Here is the instruction:
"Have perseverance as one who doth forevermore endure. Thy shadows [personalities
or physical bodies] live and vanish; that which in thee shall live for ever, that
which in thee knows, for it is knowledge, is not of fleeting life, it is the man
that was, that is, and win be, for whom the hour shall never strike." - 'The
Voice of the Silence', by H. P. Blavatsky.
And the instruction regarding karma
is equally heartening: "Learn that no effort, not the smallest - whether
in right or wrong direction - can vanish from the world of causes. E'en wasted
smoke remains not traceless . . . Thou canst create this 'day' [incarnation] thy
chances for thy 'morrow" [next incarnation.] In the Great Journey [the whole
complete cycle of existences] causes sown each hour bear its harvest of effects,
for rigid Justice rules the world. With mighty sweep of never erring action, it
brings to mortal lives of weal or woe, the karmic progeny of all our former thoughts
and deeds." - 'The Voice of the Silence', by H. P. Blavatsky.
Mr. A.:
You said we had been the men and women of previous civilizations, I'd like to
know more about that.
Student: In all the great religions of the world, the
life of man is held to be a pilgrimage. This is not just from the cradle to the
grave; it is through millions and millions of years. As he is a spiritual being,
the continuity of his existence is unbroken.
Nations and civilizations arise,
grow old, decline, disappear, but the Pilgrim lives on, the witness and participator
in the innumerable changes, but he is primarily engaged in a pilgrimage back to
his Source. This is made very clear in the writings of Madame Blavatsky and William
Q. Judge.
Carlyle put it well:
"The essence of our being, the mystery
in us that calls itself "I" - what words have we for such things - it
is a breath of heaven, the highest Being reveals himself in man. This body, these
faculties, this life of ours, is it not all as a vesture for the UNNAMED?"
- Quoted by H. P. Blavatsky, in 'The Secret Doctrine', Facsimile of Original
Edition of 1888, Vol. I, pp. 211-2.
Mr. A.: Could you give me more details
about karma, how it works out in the individual life? I believe you called reincarnation
and karma the doctrines of hope and responsibility. Would you please explain that
a bit more fully?
Student: Everyone has three kinds of karma. First, that
from the past incarnations not yet exhausted. Second, the karma you've made and
are making in this life which may be felt during this life, or which may not come
to fruition until future births. Then there is the Third type of karma that is
held over and doesn't come into operation in this life because the man and the
environment don't furnish the appropriate means for bringing it into action. This
is likened to vapour held in suspension in the atmosphere, invisible, but which
will fall as rain the moment conditions are ripe.
Mr. A.: Where does heredity
come into this?
Student: According to the ancient wisdom in the case of human
incarnation, the law of karma, racial or individual, overrides heredity which
is its servant. Family likenesses are generally explained as due to heredity,
but what about the mental and moral differences within a family? Reincarnation
explains the likenesses by the fact that karma directs a soul to parents who will
provide by physical heredity a body suitable to express his characteristics, as,
for instance, a nervous system necessary for the expression of musical faculties.
Reincarnation explains the unlikenesses by pointing out the difference in the
mental and moral evolution of individuals. Each has had a distinctive past of
his own and has learned, or not learned, certain lessons, and has set up ties
in the past that drew him back to birth in that family. Science leaves all this
unexplained. Nothing can explain it but reincarnation and karma. The child of
a genius is often commonplace in intelligence, and then again parents of quite
ordinary intelligence will give birth to a genius. Remember that the evolution
of form, and the evolution of life that ensouls the form are parallel processes.
You get what you have earned. As St. Paul said, you reap what you've sown.
Mr. A.: Granted that reincarnation is true, when we die, where do we go; what
becomes of us?
Student: Your question concerns the period between incarnations
and where you spend it.
Mr. A.: You mean there is a gap between incarnations?
Student: I wouldn't call it a gap. When you eat a meal, you need time to digest
it. The period between incarnations is analogous to that. You need time to assimilate
what you experienced. Remember what Jesus said about not laying up for yourself
treasure where moth and rust would corrupt, but to lay up treasure in heaven,
for where your treasure was, there would your heart be also. This refers to the
time between incarnations which, in Christian terms, you spend "in heaven."
It is the subjective state in which each of us lives between two earth lives,
after the death of the gross physical body. This period between incarnations is
one of happiness.
Mr. A .: It seems to be right that here on earth we should
atone for our misdeeds. How long does the inter-incarnation period of happiness
Student: That depends on the degree of one's evolutionary development
and spirituality.
Mr. A.: I recall a verse in the Bible (I Cor. 15:26) that
says the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. What about that?
'The Secret Doctrine' (Vol. II, fu. p. 609) states that "Death came only
after man had become a physical creature." Presumably it will end when he
ceases to be physical. The Bible states this in another way, (Rev. 3: 12) "Him
that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go
no more out." The "going out", of course, refers to reincarnation.
Let us take a look at the three worlds in which we continually live. We act in
the physical world; we think in the world of the mind, and we are generating desires
of various kinds all the time that work out on the plane of the desire world.
Be sure of this: Thought is the most potent factor in the creation of human karma,
thought and motive. In all of these three worlds, the chains that bind us are
of our own forging. We can file them away or rivet them tighter. Your physical
body, the house you live in, is of your own building. Your parents gave you the
original model but you have been rebuilding it every seven years since you were
born. Remember the Eastern proverb translated by Sir Edwin Arnold:
the clay dries into iron,
But the potter moulds the clay;
Destiny today
is master,
Man was master yesterday."
And in 'The Light of Asia',
Arnold says this beautifully:
Pray not! the Darkness will not brighten! Ask
Nought, from the Silence, for it cannot speak!
Vex not your mournful minds
with pious pains!
Ah! Brothers, Sisters! seek
Nought from the helpless gods
by gift and hymn,
Nor bribe with blood, nor feed with fruits and cakes;
yourselves deliverance must be sought;
Each man his prison makes.
Mr. A.:
That's hard for some people to see. For them, life appears as Shakespeare described
it "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Without adequate explanation of the mystery of life and its seeming injustices,
some people develop a deep sense of futility.
Student: It would help such
people to know that life does have a purpose, that it isn't a tale told by an
idiot, that they ascend through all the degrees of intelligence by self-induced
and self-devised efforts.
Mr. A.: There's high dignity in that.
Well, here's a bit more: "The pivotal doctrine of the Esoteric philosophy
admits no privileges or special gifts in man save those won by his own Ego through
personal effort and merit throughout a long series of metempsychoses and reincarnation."
That, for your information, is part of the Third Fundamental Proposition of the
Secret Doctrine, the accumulated wisdom of the ages.
Mr. A.: If that's the
third, what are the first two?
Student: The First is what is denominated "Deity",
"an Omni-present, Eternal, Boundless and Immutable PRINCIPLE" which
we spoke of before.
The second Fundamental Proposition is "that law of
periodicity," - cyclic law, by means of which man, the Eternal Pilgrim, evolves.
Mr. A.: Are these Three Fundamental Propositions what you would call the Theosophical
Student: Not exactly. Deity, Law, and the Universality of all life
are the basic ideas which underlie and pervade the entire system of thought. "
on their clear apprehension depends the understanding of all that follows
" says H. P. Blavatsky. The Proem of 'The Secret Doctrine', pp. 14-17,
states these Propositions in full.
Mr. A.: You make this sound important.
Student: It is. Not only important, it is imperative. Observe the muddled concepts
of students who have failed to grasp these basic truths, the guidelines.
Like the ocean, the teachings become gradually deeper.
Mr. A.: Well, then,
we're right back where we started when you mentioned that in Early Christianity
there were parables for the multitude and the Mysteries for the few.
Religious teachers down the ages have used symbols - verbal and graphic - to help
the developing human mind lay hold of Truth.
Mr. A.: Sounds to me as though
reincarnation and karma were part of these fundamental propositions. Am I right?
Student: You are indeed. They are the very warp and woof of it. The widespread
knowledge of these laws would completely change the character of our civilization,
including Christianity.
For logic, consistency and profound philosophy, these
teachings have no equal on earth.
is a road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind - but yet a road;
and it leads to the Heart of the Universe. I can tell you how to find Those who
will show you the secret gateway that leads inward only, and closes fast behind
the neophyte for evermore. There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer.
There is no trial that spotless purity cannot pass through. There is no difficulty
that strong intellect cannot surmount. For those who win onwards, there is reward
past all telling: the power to bless and save humanity. For those who fail, there
are other lives in which success may come."
- H. P. Blavatsky
Suggested Books
Books by H. P. Blavatsky:
The Secret Doctrine
Index to the Secret Doctrine, for students
Secret Doctrine and Index
The Key to Theosophy
Theosophical Glossary
of the Blavatsky Lodge
The Voice of the Silence, a manual of devotion
by William Q. Judge:
The Ocean of Theosophy
The Scope of Reincarnation
That Have Helped Me
The Bhagavad-Gita
Notes on the Bhagavad-Gita
Yoga Aphorisms
Vernal Blooms, selected articles from W. Q. J.
Other Books:
Light of Asia, by Sir Edwin Arnold
The Theosophical Movement, 1875-1950
Friendly Philosopher, Letters and Talks, by Robert Crosbie
Answers to Questions
on the "Ocean", by Robert Crosbie
The Eternal Verities, for children
Teacher's Manual and Guide to the "Eternal Verities"
For the Children Who Ask Why
Occult Tales, by H, P. Blavatsky and Wm. Q. Judge
on the Path
From The Book of Images, a volume of Indian tales
Through the
Gates of Gold
Selections From The Upanishads and The Tao Te King
The Dhammapada
- An East-West Anthology
Index to Theosophy Magazine - Vol.'s 1-43
The Gnosis
or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures, by Wm. Kingsland