The Noble Truth of suffering must be perfected realized.
The Noble Truth of the origin of suffering must be totally eliminated.
The Noble Truth of extinction of suffering has to be achieved.
Noble Truth of the noble path leading to the extinction of suffering must be cultivated
unto perfection.
The Buddha believed the realization of the Four Noble Truths
made him attain enlightenment: "As soon as the absolutely true knowledge
and insight as regards these four noble truths had become perfectly clear in me,
there arose in me the assurance that I had won the supreme enlightenment unsurpassed.
And there arose in me perfect knowledge and realization: Unshakable is my spiritual
liberation, this is my last birth, and there is no more becoming for me."
Buddha's proclamation was very interesting and wonderful. It represents the first
time the founder of a major world religion achieved enlightenment by himself without
intervention by a supreme being or supernatural power. The Buddha attained perfect
freedom and encouraged others to work to achieve real liberation.
The details
of each Noble Truth are also very interesting and provide light for study and
practice. In the Noble Truth of Suffering, the Statement "briefly stated,
the five groups of grasping brings suffering" is the starting place for the
study of the concept of suffering. The five groups consist of (1) corporeality
(body and other physical phenomena), (2) feeling, (3) perception, (4) thoughtful
formation, and (5) consciousness. Naturally, the five groups (aggregates of the
elements of existence and experience) are pure, normal and non-suffering. When
the attachment of five groups takes the form of self, "me and mine"
appears in the mind and it becomes impure and as a consequence suffering arises.
It's a sacred duty for those who love freedom to guard the five groups to attempt
to keep them in a pure condition.
The second Noble Truth refers to the threefold
elements of craving: (1) craving for sensual pleasure (by eyes, ears, nose, tongue,
or through touching tangible bodies); (2) craving for becoming (in the positive
condition); and (3) craving for non-being (in the negative position). These are
the causes of the origination of attachment or craving which leads body and mind
to suffering. We can see very clearly the chain of interdependent origination
of suffering through the process of ignorance, sensation, craving, grasping and
then suffering. Suffering enters through the five doors of the sense organs (eyes,
ears, nose, tongue and touch) as the starting point of a causal chain that leads
to desire.
In the third Noble Truth, the reference to "the complete fading
away and extinction of craving" is the key to understand the ultimate truth
of Buddhism, Nibana. The text states that one who will attain Nibana (a state
of mind without any defilement) must destroy all craving completely and forever.
The word "liberation" also suggests a state of mind that is free from
the control of defilement and full of mindfulness, loving kindness and the highest
In the fourth Noble Truth, the details of each element of righteousness
must be studied in order to understand the process through which desires fades
away and the extinction of all defilement based on craving and grasping is achieved.
Right Understanding refers to understanding (a) suffering (i.e., the five groups
associated with grasping) (b) the causes of suffering (the threefold craving)
(c) the extinction of suffering (through the extinction of craving) and (d) the
Path leading to the extinction of suffering (the Noble Eightfold Path)
2. Right
Thought refers to thoughts that are free from (a) lust, (b) ill-will, and [c]
cruelty. In contrast, right thoughts are full of (a) thoughts of renunciation,
(b) good will, and [c] compassion and mercy.
3. Right Speech leads one to
refrain from: (a) telling lies, (b) tale-bearing, (c) harsh language (d) vain
and frivolous talk, and -- in the right way -- to use the words that are (a) true
(b) conciliatory, (c) gentle, (d) polite and (e) to speak what is profitable and
necessary to bringing peace and harmony to one's listeners and society.
Right Action is to refrain from: (a) killing, (b) stealing, (c) unlawful and immoral
sexual intercourse and -- in the right way --to be (a) humane, (b) honest, and
(c) chaste.
5. Right Livelihood is to renounce the wrong way of living and
to maintain oneself by following a right occupation and right way of living. The
noble lay Buddhist disciples, who have advanced in their understanding of the
truth, refrain from trading in arms, living beings, flesh, intoxicating drinks
and poisons.
6. Right Effort means the great four efforts: The effort (a)
to restrain unwholesome state of mind that would otherwise lead to evil actions,
(b) to abandon the unwholesome states of mind, (c) to develop (d) to maintain
the arisen wholesome states of mind and make them grow.
7. Right Mindfulness
is the contemplation of (a) the body, (b) feelings, (c) mind, and (d) mind objects,
or the states and content of the mind. This is the way to develop mindfulness
and awareness in every walk of life. The contemplation of the body can be done
in practical ways by mindfully breathing in and out while observing the process
of respiration; with right mindfulness, one is mindful of all his postures, and
he is mindful and aware while walking, standing, sitting, lying down, eating,
drinking, speaking, or listening.
The contemplation of feeling can be practiced
by closely observing one's feelings, and noting whether they are satisfactory,
unsatisfactory or neutral.
One can watch over his thoughts and volition, and
all the other pure or impure contents of his mind that arise and pass away from
time to time.
One practices this mindfulness and strives for comprehension
objectively, without seeking approval or acclaim at one's progress, and without
being horrified at the realization of one's own wickedness. The man who practices
right mindfulness is just aware of everything that happens, and he mindfully observes
all that goes on in his mind so that he may know himself better.
8. Right Concentration
or meditation. The development of mindfulness through the contemplation of body,
feeling, mind and the mind objects makes one detach from unwholesome thoughts
and enter into (a) the first absorption, which is accompanied by applied and continued
thought, and which is born of detachment and filled with rapture and bliss. After
stilling applied and continued thought, and by gaining inner tranquillity and
concentration of mind, the person practicing right concentration enters into a
state free from applied and continued thought, (b) the second absorption, which
is born of concentration and filled with rapture and bliss. After the fading away
of rapture, the meditating individual dwells in equanimity and mindfulness with
clear awareness; and he expresses in his own person that feeling of which the
noble one says; "happy lives he who is in equanimity and mindfulness"
thus he enters (c) the third absorption. After giving up of pleasure and pain,
and through the disappearance of previous joy and grief, he enters into (d) the
fourth absorption, a state beyond pleasure and pain, purified by equanimity and
Consideration of the Noble Eightfold path in details indicates
that it is appropriate not only for monks but also for lay persons who wish to
follow the Noble Eightfold path to achieve the extinction of suffering. The Noble
Eightfold path is not simply eight different ways to achieve liberation; instead,
it is one collective way made up of eight constituencies, working in the co-operative,
harmonious and holistic way to overcome the suffering.
Each constituency helps
people become free from defilement. Thus, the word "right" before each
one means freedom. The list begins with wisdom, is followed by morality and eventually
ends with mindfulness and insight meditation. Each constituency is associated
with wisdom. The eight fold path is a perfect and powerful train that will carry
its passengers to everlasting peace and happiness.
Now let's come to analyze
the question of whether or not Buddhism is a religion? If the definition of "religion"
means a way to end the suffering of human beings, Buddhism is the foremost among
all the world religions. However, many scholars will maintain that Buddhism is
really a philosophy? If the definition of philosophy, "love of wisdom,"
includes the wisdom gained by human beings in their search for the extinction
of suffering, Buddhism is a real philosophy because it contains many ways to achieve
the wisdom necessary to free oneself from the fetters of defilement.
Does Buddhism
contain metaphysical philosophy? If the definition of metaphysics includes the
ultimate reality searched and found by human beings without blessings or help
from supernatural powers, then Buddhism has an aspect of metaphysical philosophy
in it because Nibana (an empty state of mind in which one is totally without defilement)
is the ultimate truth.
Does Buddhism include the perspective of epistemological
philosophy? If epistemology means the body of knowledge based on the six sense
organs: eyes, ears, tongue, nose, tangible body and mind, up to and including
the highest knowledge that destroys ignorance and permits the realization of Nibana,
Buddhism is surely epistemology because the four noble truths are a great source
of knowledge and wisdom leading to liberation.
Is there logic in Buddhism?
If logic means the application of reason, Buddhism is an exactly logic because
its laws of cause and effect are based on the interdependent origination theory
that is at the heart of Buddhism.
Is there an ethical or moral philosophy in
Buddhism? If ethical or moral philosophy refers to the existence of principles
that can be used to determine what is right and what is wrong. Buddhism is a very
rich moral philosophy. Almost all Buddhist precepts, meditations and the Noble
Eightfold path provide excellent ethical and moral principles for individual and
social peace.
Buddhism has it's own unique beliefs about human beings. Studying,
analyzing, criticizing, and applying Buddhism with other religions and schools
of thought about philosophy and even modern science can be done properly under
appropriate conditions. The core principles of Buddhism relate to the suffering
and non-suffering of human being and reflect the universal common sense of human
Buddhism supports and encourages other religions and schools of thoughts
and philosophy all over the world that have the same purpose and which work to
support physical and spiritual well being for all human beings. The Buddha gave
clear instructions to the monks: go to preach the noble way of life for benefit
and happiness of many people. Securing the happiness of the many is the main purpose
for all those who work in accordance with Buddhist ideals.
Buddhism can be
thought of as philosophy or religion or simply as a way of life. Descriptions
of Buddhism will necessarily depend upon the particular definitions used and interpretations
made by various scholars who come from many different backgrounds. However, every
scholar agrees that Buddhism strives to bring light to the darkness that surrounds
all living creatures.
Reference books
Buddhad?saBhikkhu, ?nap?nasati Mindfulness
with Breathing, Dhamma Study-Practice Group Publication, Bangkok, with help from
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai. The Teaching of Buddha, Toppan
Printing Co. (S) Pte. Ltd. Tokyo. Japan, 1966.
Christmas Humphreys. A Popular
Dictionary of Buddhism, Curzon Press. London, 1975.
C. Ny?nasatta Thera. Basic
Tenets of Buddhism, Ceylon, 1957.
Damien Keown. Buddhism & Bioethics, Macmillan
Press Ltd. London, 1995.
Helena Roerich. Foundations of Buddhism, Agni Yoga
Society, Inc. United States of America, 1971.