Buddhist Practice

Look upon the body as unreal,
An image in a mirror, the reflection of the moon in water.
Contemplate the mind as formless,
Yet bright and Pure.

Not a single thought arising,
Empty, yet perceptive; still, yet illuminating;
Complete like the Great Emptiness,
Containing all that is wonderful."
--Han Shan Te Qing (1546-1623)

Daily Buddhist practice will be different for each of us depending on time available and the type of practice we are pursuing..
Central to all practice is a room or an area in your home that is your Holy place. This doesn't need to be large but should be quiet and neither to bright or too dark. In this area a there should be a Buddha (statue or scroll), candle (electric candle or conventional), incense holder, flower (either artificial or a a potted plant), food offering and a water offering. The arrangement of these items is as follows; in front of the Buddha; incense holder and water (directly in front of the Buddha), on the left flower and food offering. The candle is placed on the right.
If you are doing sitting meditation, the cushion or a chair can be placed in front of the Buddha or facing a wall depending on what makes you most comfortable. If you are practicing Pure Land then you can simply kneel in front of the Buddha.
Buddhist practice includes devotion (offering incense and bowing), meditation (either Chan practice or reciting the Buddha's name) and sutra chanting. The Chan practitioner will chant the Heart Sutra (Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra) In Chinese this is called the Hsin Ching. The Pure Land practitioner will chant the Amita Sutra. The sutras chanted can also be any combination of the Mahayana sutras that seem meaningful. Some time, should also be set aside for the study of Buddhism and the sutras.
By reciting the sutras daily in conjunction with meditation one will developed a understanding of them that will benefit practice greatly. The practitioner will see that as the practice evolves the understanding is like peeling back layers of a onion. One's understanding of the sutras will evolve with practice. The ultimate understanding is beyond words and is transcendental in nature.
Practice begins by lighting the candles, offering incense and then doing 3 prostrations or bows. Meditation or reciting the Buddhas name follows and then sutra chanting. At the conclusion of practice we should recite the Three Homages; Homage to the Buddha, Homage to the Dharma and Homage to the Sangha and then the Four Bodhisatva Vows; Sentient Being are numberless I vow to save them, The Desires are inexhaustible I vow to conquer them, The Dharmas are boundless I vow to master them and The Buddha Way is unsurpassed I vow to attain it.
The time taken for the daily practice must fit ones own requirements. It could be 10 minutes or 40, but most importantly it should be daily or twice daily. If the above practices seem over whelming then do only a portion of them. The most important part is the meditation or chanting the Buddha's name.
The ancient Buddhist masters used to say that "study (practice) was like rowing a boat upstream: to stop is to float backward." They also said that "study was like boiling water over a fire: if you do not tend the fire and keep adding wood to it, the water will never boil."
Please do what you can!