On the path of a Bodhisattva, one should practice what are called the six perfections of: giving, ethics, patience, joyous effort, concentration and wisdom. The first five are methods; the last, wisdom, is necessary for any of them to function. It is said that mainly the first three are practices for the lay people, joyous effort and concentration mainly refer to meditation practice.

Giving -
Giving one's possessions, virtues, even one's body if needed. Giving of fearlessness, or protection to others. Practising mentally giving to others. Giving of Dharma, teachings. Shantideva said: "Others are my main concern. When I notice something of mine, I steal it and give it to others."
Ethics -
Keeping one's vows. Working for sentient beings.
Restraining from negative actions. Collecting merit (with the motivation of helping others).
Patience -
Having patience in understanding Dharma and gaining faith. Being undisturbed by anguish from suffering. Practise patience before getting angry. Having patience in accepting problems. Being undisturbed by inflicted harm.
Joyous effort / perseverance -
Collecting merit and helping others. Delighting in virtue and every beneficial action. Avoiding putting off; craving worldly pleasures and discouragement.
Concentration -
Developing quiescence; single pointedness, stability & firmness (meditation). This brings great progress in any meditation practice and supernatural powers. Cultivating inner needs: to have few wants and generating contentment, abandoning demands of the world, and have pure ethics. Creating outer needs: conducive place: quiet, easy food &
water, blessed place, not too comfortable and a helper.
Wisdom -
Generating ultimate wisdom (emptiness) to achieve liberation and Buddhahood. Generating relative wisdom in practising the first five perfections and understanding karma. Wisdom and compassion are the foundatiuons of Mahayana practice.