"Bodhi-mind forms the central theme of Mahayana Buddhism in Tibet. We believe that the concept of the Bodhi- mind will go a long way in helping to achieve basic unity and a spirit of cooperation among the followers of different creeds. The inspiration to achieve this ineffable Bodhimind can be expressed this way: 'I must attain the supreme state of omniscient Buddhahood so that I can liberate all sentient beings from their ocean of misery, Samsara, and establish them in the ultimate happiness of Nirvana.' This inspiration creates a longing to devote one's energy to both the profound and extensive stages of the path of Mahayana. It is the root of the practice for accomplishing the Bodhisattva deeds, which connotes generosity, morality, patience, perseverance, meditation, and wisdom.
"It is my belief, for the world in general, that compassion is more important that religion.
"Genuine compassion is unbiased, should be unbiased.

"If there is love, there is hope to have real families, real brotherhood, real equanimity, real peace. If the love within your mind is lost, if you continue to see other beings as enemies, then no matter how much knowledge or education you have, no matter how much material progress is made, only suffering and confusion will ensue. Human beings will continue to deceive and overpower one another. Basically, everyone exists in the very nature of suffering, so to abuse or mistreat each other is futile. The foundation of all spiritual practice is love. That you practice this well is my only request.
"Oppression has never, anywhere, succeeded in suppressing the eternal desire of people to live as free men - free to think their own thoughts, free to act as they consider best for the common welfare and live as human beings - not as slaves or robots. Even if the Chinese leave nothing but ashes in our sacred land, Tibet will rise from these ashes as a free country even if it takes a long time to do so. No imperialist power has s
ucceeded in keeping other people in colonial subjection for long.
"Only a spontaneous feeling of empathy with others can really inspire us to act on their behalf. Nevertheless, compassion does not arise mechanically. Such a sincere feeling must grow gradually, cultivated within each individual, based on their own conviction of its worth. Adopting a kind attitude thus becomes a personal matter. How each of us behaves in daily life is, after all, the real test of compassion.
"Suffering originates from various causes and conditions. But the root cause of our pain and suffering lies in our own ignorant and undisciplined state of mind. The happiness we seek can be attained only through the purification of our minds.
"One aspect of compassion is to respect others 'rights' and to respect others' views'. That is the basis of reconciliation. The human spirit of reconciliation based on compassion is working deep down, whether the person really knows it or not. Our basic human nature is gentleness; therefore, no matter how much we go through violence and other bad things, ultimately the proper solution is to return to human feeling and affection. So affection or compassion is not only a religious matter, but in our day-to-day life it is quite indispensable." The Dalai Lama